So PAN TRINBAGO met with the NCC and worked out the details of FUNDING PANORAMA 2018 to the detriment of PAN MEN and then DOCTOR DOLLY signed off on the whole deal and then put her new NCC team in place and we are FORWARDING to PANORAMA 2018.
KEITH DIAZ slicker than the 210,000 gallons of OIL ah see leaking from the KEYSTONE PIPELINE today in South Dakota!!!
Ah try to explain to the CIP since last year that DOCTOR DOLLY needs THE PANORAMA more than anybody else but they cannot understand what I am saying. PAN MEN have so much POLITICAL CAPITAL this coming PANORAMA -- if they ONLY KNEW.
Gregory Lindsay: Doh tell me that yuh get caught up in the all the GLOBAL FAKE NEWS THING and went and makeup yuh own FAKE PANORAMA BUDGET 2018 and come and print it on this forum. And by the way, CECIL HINKSON never said ANYTHING bad about you on this forum -- so apologize to the man. Cecil doh say nothing bad about NOBODY.
FORTEAU and DOLLY real slick with the politics -- ANYTHING to KEEP KEITH DIAZ IN OFFICE!!!
You and that crystal ball like to always take us down jackass alley want another bone to chew on...OK
In the 22 million budget..... Here are a few anomalies I picked up.....
One, there will be no single pan national semifinal....69 single pan bands will get 12000/TTD for appearance and assistance fees, and after that, prelim stage,.....49 single pan orchestras will be cut until finals....with 20 bands moving through on zero assistance, with exception of finalists Players remittance of 500.00 TTD............mind you single pan orchestras make up the largest constituency of orchestras within the movement, and are continuously given the least appearance and assistance fees, solidifying Michael Joseph's claim that this grouping of bands are virtually treated in Panorama as the circus clowns of the competition......the Largest grouping of Diaz's political power base as you call it, getting the longest end of the political shaft....
Second chew bone for you, the assistance and appearance fee structure to conventional bands at the semifinals stage, amongst the zonal quota system proposed, is incrementally higher up to 20% in some cases, as compared to the preliminary stage....where there was no money there is a trough, in respect to rewarding qualification not on the basis of merit and excellence, but on a system of highly subjective judging bias towards placing in particular unsponsored steel orchestras at an extraordinary unfair advantage coming into the competition.
Last bone today,......the prize money structure, particularly in conventional categories in the 1st Six Placings have not been affected, by the cuts in an effort to retain the carrot and stick approach towards keeping unsponsored bands bankrupt, deaf, dumb and blind, going into this soup called a Panorama final.
Like Michael Joseph opined in his last official PRO post,.... This Panorama will be MardiGras Panorama not a CANBOULAY panorama.....dis is Panorama for Sponsored bands.... Where sponsors will simply get an invoice to pickup the shortfall.
The solution to this madness in the MECCA,....give every band an amount for assistance and appearance for coming out contractually ON DE ROAD for the Carnival, perhaps strategically linking up with Etienne Charles ole time band presentation... WE THE PEOPLE,.....and go full retro....Pan on de Road for 2018.......
Outside of that solution, in conventional category, if this proposal touches the ground then court house clothes in de middle of the competition at semis....
Enjoy the chew.....Have a great day :)
Good morning..... No apology needed for Cecil...I quoted you while speaking to Cecil, in reference to your claims that articulated that I am a weak leader,... So my friend that is the 1st clarification of the day.
2nd clarification..... I have not received ANY pre-action legal protocol letter in over a year being in this fight,,. I am yet to come back on this forum and had to publicly apologize for making any slanderous, defamatory, libelous statements for impugning anyone's or any organization's character regarding my protracted and prolonged issues with the elected executive management of PanTrinbago.... no doubt, a testament to the Truths I have faithful and continuously spoken about what passes for proper leadership and governance at the World Governing Body for Pan.
3rd Clarification.... Against the abovementioned, I am no doctor and I am certainly not in the business of doctoring any documents....coming up with a FAKE panorama budget for print and present here and create some FAKE GLOBAL NEWS SPIN on this network.....for myself, or agents for Fodder
But I realise you Claude, you need a nice milky bone this morning, so let me throw you one...not no Fake Bone eh!
Former NCC jefe Kenny De Silva and Doctor Dolly had a little falling out over that document, prepared by the two parties on behalf of PTB and NCC.... DeSilva stood by the document as the way going forward,...the Minister share another view, she found it was too much for PanTrinbago,... They clashed over the disagreement...and Dollar Wine was then appointed Chairman of NCC.....
I will leave it there for now,...only to say 2 sources, one of which I already named who confirmed the findings which I presented, who confirmed the worthiness of that bone so chew on that well and have a great day :).
Keep up the pressure on Rolly Polly. He seems to be losing weight.
bugs you notice that too. i nearly did not make him out. i really hope he is OK. that is my boy still you know. we like Panda and Manning. we good, once is not pan politics. and too, i want him healthy for the 30TH. i do not like advantaging ppl so i hope for the 30TH i don't have to make an exception.
Aquil: Yuh up late, boy!!! Dolly and Diaz and Forteau give CIP MEN ah real headache -- dey cyar sleep!!!
Tell Gregory doh take nothing I say personally!!! I did say he was a "WEAK LEADER" but every contender in the world would seem weak against THE RIGHT HONOURABLE KEITH DIAZ.
Even the MINISTER OF CULTURE have to hire THE MAN to RUN PANORAMA. But it kinda hard for me to believe that KEITH DIAZ is the ONLY MAN IN TRINIDAD who could RUN PANORAMA!!
"the Minister share another view, she found it was too much for PanTrinbago,.."
Gregory: Yuh real fooling yuhself, boy!!! POLITICS is certainly NOT YOUR GAME!!!
Read my fingertips: Doctor Dolly needs a SUCCESSFUL PANORAMA more than ANYBODY ELSE in the WORLD, and who better to deliver that PRODUCT than the TESTED and PROVEN RIGHT HONOURABLE KEITH DIAZ the greatest politician in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD. The AGM (continuation) on November 30th that the CIP was so anticipating is now of ZERO CONSEQUENCE. So the CIP better STAY HOME and doh come and try to TUG on SUPERMAN CAPE.
Are you teaching Rolly Polly how to use the phrase "I don't recall"? He seems to be losing weight. Is everything okay?
CYP will have an extra dose of Kryptonite for that fake gangsta hero. What did you do with the Photo?
bugs: I doh want to get into THE RACE THING but that "I don't recall" is a WHITE MAN THING!!! And FYI, down in LAX we are never called before any CONGRESS or COMMISSIONS to answer for our transgressions.
Instead, we become GANGSTA HEROES!!!
Claude, Gregory is meh pardner and he could be under a lot of pressure, being the front man for the CIP is no easy task and the Brother always give 100%, the guy had a one man protest, he alone withdrew his band from panorama , 2018 will be his second year, so I understand how frustration could seep in .