Yuh reading DOCTOR DOLLY wrong boy. And even when she stab the CIP in the back yuh still come here yesterday and making up some cock and bull story about De Silva -- trying to protect THE DOLLY out of fear that the CIP may one day have to go stretch out their hand to HER.

Time for NEW POLITICS boy -- if yuh really LOVE PAN.

THE CIP DREAM to run PAN TRINBAGO is DEAD. There was one strategy that could have worked but you all were too entrenched in the PARTY POLITICS to get that brave. I did offer to help but allyuh wasn't ready for REAL CLEAR POLITICS.

Aquil better go back and practice he PAN and you better go back and resurrect yuh band make sure that yuh register in time for PANORAMA 2019 and line up to get the ALLOWANCE from Doctor Dolly.

The CIP is OFFICIALLY DEAD and I eh calling dey name or supporting any of their posts on this forum NO MORE. Ah going and apologize to THE RIGHT HONOURABLE and see if he will take me on his team because ah still want the RIGHTS to produce a GREATEST HITS PANORAMA CD and in my heart I was hoping (dreaming) that the CIP might ah get ah LIGHTENING STRIKE and somehow slip into power and they woulda let me do the CD.

Of course with the technology from INDIGISOUNDS and the product that ANDY and ELLIE are developing the whole project can now be done without using any PANS or PAN MEN ... so all HOPE is not lost for ME.


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  • Mr. Claude a lot of men of 60 years once complain about the same thing. the Central Impotent Privet Part (CIPP) is dead, but i am sure you are aware that viagra is a quick fix for that. No need to come to the forum with personal challenges. LOL.

     but as for the CIP in particular gegory and i are both under 60 years so it would be some time before reaching out for advice on which drug store sell it at the best price. so hold on to those coffin nails for us because as old ppl say what ain't meet you ain't pass you. Our time will come but for now we still kicking. LOL

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