I will soon speak on social media regarding guidance on my real choices for executive office. There is a reason we have 2 eyes, 2 ears and 1 mouth...we ought to look and listen twice as much as we speak..I will pull no punches and tell no lies...Lol...lehwe start separating de sheep from the goats.
I not voting for people who are my friends, who have too much other commitments. I voting for candidates who are fit for office and have experience for the required for the position.
Unsuitable candidates will not be acknowledged and I will keep it clean!!!
Views: 347
Here are my candidates:
Darren Sheppard - president
Darren Sheppard - vice president
Richard Forteau - secretary
Marvin Edwards - assistant secretary
Darren Sheppard - education officer
Scoby Michael Joseph - PRO
Darren Sheppard - ERO
Finbar Fletcher - Treasure
Phillip Barker from south - Trustee
Richard Smith from south - Trustee
Mr. Sheppard earned all the spots i put him in because he acted in those positions simultaneously for 3 years just to keep this organization afloat.
Nova: I'm just a foreigner from England but if Darren Sheppard "acted in those positions simultaneously for 3 years just to keep the organisation afloat", why is Pan Trinbago in such a mess?
How can one be the SOLUTION when they have been a part of the PROBLEM.
Cecil: My sentiments exactly. It's almost as if no-one is listening!!
Ingrid: I have to THANK YOU for your participation on THIS FORUM. Your love for THE STEELBAND CULTURE is demonstrated in your contributions to THIS FORUM.
We can only dream of a BRIGHTER SUN for PAN TRINBAGO!!!
Keep on POSTING!!!
When I get ready to produce THE GREATEST HITS PANORAMA CD -- I am bringing you in as a CONSULTANT!!!
Ah playing ah ENGLAND ORIENTED CALYPSO just for YOU!!!
Claude: I'm sitting here laughing to myself. Soca in the Palace. Great tune.
I am glad to hear that my contribution is appreciated even though my comments seem to be falling on deaf ears. If I wasn't interested in pan in Trinidad, I would not have taken time out of my well earned holiday last year to go to the court hearing. I'm keeping a watchful eye on the various campaigns and the results next week as I'm very interested in the outcome.