Gregory: How many candidates are running for PRESIDENT? What are the salaries of the EXECUTIVES? Do we really need 9 people in the CENTRAL EXECUTIVE? What position are you running for? Does THE CIP have a SLATE? Can you have a FULL TIME JOB and be on the CENTRAL EXECUTIVE? How many of the 170 STEELBANDS are FINANCIAL? And how much are the monthly or annual dues paid to PAN TRINBAGO by these 170 STEELBANDS? And bugs wants to know if DIAZ and FORTEAU and JOSEPH really stole the MONEY allocated to the PRIZE WINNING STEELBANDS?
After you answer these questions I have many more to come.
And I don't want any of your cryptic answers.
I must warn you that the meeting NEXT TUESDAY is not going to resolve much. So don't get your hopes up too HIGH.
Matter fix let's turn the page.
I think not.
NCC suggestively and previously offered to PanTrinbago, an lost opportunity squandered, to roll no more of a 2Million dollar deficit limit of a financial loan instrument, to be repaid in four yearly installments of over $700,000.00 per year to be deducted from annual Carnival subvention for next four years...hmm..fact not fiction....
Another fact....At the stage of now a $7Million dollar deficit,...that NCC offer is now no longer on the table, and with the financial scenario as it is confirmed abovementioned; including the SC lawyers fees of well paid out to the tune of well over $900,000.00 out of the Kokaram judgment; smoke and mirrors is outta here with that crystal ball of yours.
I said this before and I will say this again.
Government monies, that is taxpayers monies don't like unsafe harbors for ports of call particularly during this time of political uncertainty at PanTrinbago. I feel reasonably certain that instructions to release those particular funds as it relates to performance fees and finalist monies for conventional bands will only be released to their respective parties, WHEN a newly elected executive of PanTrinbago is installed.
With that, onward to the SPECIAL CONVENTION membership meeting at TBA in 28 days from Tuesday 17th April ratify the early election date..
Good job pan people.
Smoke and Mirrors, Cecil!!!
One last thing...a Special Convention shall be called in 28 days time.
Thank You, Sir!!! You are THE BEST!!!
Central Executive committee is voted out....A caretaker committee has been been installed comprising of Chairmen and one other official from each Regional Executive, the former President, the former Treasurer and 2 other persons to be appointed by the interim committee... The Motion was passed and seconded. The Motion was voted with 130 in favor, 1 against and zero abstentions..It is in force with immediate effect... 91 bands were present, and quorum of over 60℅ of financial members was met...
Financially,..NCC was a credit balance of slightly over 10 Million to PanTrinbago.. With expenditures from Panorama totalling 17 Million, with all non current liabilities from service providers, being returned to PanTrinbago with immediate effect..
That meeting tonight with quorum intact, is the supreme legislative and judicial body of the association... So that decision stands..regardless as it is the will of the membership...
That's it from here in Port of Spain
Gregory: I am waiting for the LATEST UPDATE!!!
Gregory: Yuh leave out all the GOOD PARTS about the PRESS CONFERENCE and the invalid petition and ting, man. NEWSDAY have to come and bus the mark fuh we. And it was a PUBLIC EVENT!!!