Pressure is building on this REVOLUTION and you deemed yourself the ULTIMATE REVOLUTIONARY. Please come to the forum and give us some UPDATES. And don't celebrate too soon this time around, huh!!!
Cross the finish line before you pose for your picture!!!!
Gregory: You are a GOOD SPORT!!! We will be patient!!!
I don't know who "the people on the Mecca is" as far as PAN is concerned. And it is quite normal for people who don't participate on a forum to have their sense of disdain -- since forums attract their own followers and develop their OWN CULTURE.
The best forums that I read and participated in (recently) were the discussion forums that came at the bottom of the articles in the TRINIDAD GUARDIAN. But once Rowley got elected he forced the Guardian to shut down those discussions because they were surprisingly about 50% Anti-PNM and they were frank and full of statistics on crime and racism and political failure in Trinidad.
On the sociological side, there will always be that chasm between EXPATS and LOCALS and the rulers of PAN in Trinidad will always fall into that gulley -- not realizing that the biggest market for PAN is the EXPAT market outside of Trinidad. And the people who have done the most in GLOABALIZING PAN (the fruits of which they love to boast about) are EXPATS and their OFFSPRING -- WHEN STEEL TALKS is a shining example on the technical level.
So NETWORKING should really be the order of the day. But they are too SMALL MINDED to understand that -- especially PAN PEOPLE.
But Gregory Lindsay and I have our little string of fatigue (in the midst of the struggle) going so I have to give him a little shout out every so often. Any time that he win the PAN TRINBAGO HAND and I am sure that he will come back to gloat and gallery and call me out.
"But once Rowley got elected he forced the Guardian to shut down those discussions because they were surprisingly about 50% Anti-PNM and they were frank and full of statistics on crime and racism and political failure in Trinidad"
Please provide some HARD FACTS and PROOF! And no anecdotes!
PM Rowley has never curtailed press freedom ----Facts and Proof PLEASE!
Claude, just in case you did not notice WST Forum is dirt to the people in the Mecca, for some reason they have a poor impression of what goes on here, they don't view the forum beneficial to them.
There are few in the Mecca who really see the importance of using the forum in the struggle.
cecil, there are very few that have accestto a computer,
Not true Cecil.
From captain to cook to Prime Ministers, they all read forum. The WST forum is one of the biggest things in pan worldwide.
Bugs, we know what it is, but there is still a lot bad mouthin in the Mecca. certain groups tell there members have little to do with the Forum.
"They Reading Still" That is all that counts. Check how many views Mr. Mohamed got just from his post last night. His WST post was copied all over facebook.
merrytones is the only regular from the Mecca I know of in the forum. I know that they are reading, that's how they can badmouth us, what they choose to disregard is that they can also voice their opinion anytime or post a topic.
Recently I was told that "allyuh full ah bull shit in the forum" and if we want to debate anything about pan or PT come on fb.