Gregory!!! Sorry! Sorry! I mean, MR. LINDSAY: You were the hardest working and most devoted to duty member on the CIP TEAM. So I expect you to be WELL PLACED in this NEW ADMINISTRATION. If Aquil could apologize to Mr. Diaz, I have to apologize to you for doubting your ground strategy now that I see the direct results of your TIRELESS EFFORTS.

Truth be told though, until I see pictures of FORTEAU and JOSEPH vacating the PAN TRINBAGO offices, I will still be in DOUBTING THOMAS MODE.

And don't stop coming on the forum and posting every so often -- just because yuh get ah lil VP job or something. Doh let the power go to your head.

In your new CAPACITY as HIGH MAN in PAN TRINBAGO,I want to assign you a little project. I think that the GUINNESS CAVALIERS winning PANORAMA VERSION of Lord Melody's MAS should be reprised using the HIGH QUALITY PANS of today. A few of the original players must be still around and could could help in authenticating the FINAL RECORDING. If Bobby Mohammed is not available, we could agree on an arranger. A nice clean version of that song should be available for the STEELBAND MUSIC HALL OF FAME -- whenever it gets built. My only involvement will be to give a THUMBS UP to the final version before it is recorded. And I expect a lot of CLARITY and NO IRON or excessive engine room intrusion or OUT OF CONTROL DRUMMER.

This could be YOUR LEGACY, Mr. Lindsay.

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