As her team oriented themselves during this difficult period, with a required leadership culture change, it could not be easy, and I do not envy the task of that Executive team, inundated with Millions of dollars of debt, and with delegate membership clamoring for answers from the MoC (Ministry of Culture) EY (Ernst and Young) report laid in Parliament, to understand the madness that transpired from management and leadership towards the end of the last administration.
Having such polarizing figures who advocate, for understanding, tolerance, with this culture change has not been easy to deal with. But one cannot say that there have had ANY problems with the Central Executive team since Carlon Harewood and the rest of the team was reshuffled in the first instance. It was not immediately apparent that there were some conflicts with the manner in which the President has been dealing with her board members.
Hearing this from sources outside of normal established channels, one seems to be dealing with the constitutional mandate of the President, and her reporting relationships to the Central Executive, to the delegate membership, while meetings are not in session, during a national pandemic.
Anyone sufficiently familiar with PTB (Pan Trinbago) constitution can correct me at ANYTIME... but the role and functions of the office of every single member of the board are pretty clear.. the role and function of the President are also very clear....
Now... some people are toting more baggage than a baggage carousel at the airport, about how CIP (Concerned Individuals for Pan) was treated after the new team was ushered in 2 years ago, and who feel slighted, and who did not feel special for the fight to get them there... and who prepared to watch de ting
, .....who have political cocoa in the sun, and have an agenda to watch this executive of PTB having a problem, and not seeking to at least try to have it addressed in a proper way, other than leaking misinformation, and dragging people name in de mud, because Special Convention is a year off... and lining up their ducks for political repercharge..... think again.
If there is a problem on the bridge of Pan Trinbago; perhaps 2 years ago, there may have been some fractures on the Hull, but what we have right now, it would appear that the conflict seems to be moving to a partial or full breach... Just saying.
President Beverley Ramsey-Moore and her team had been given an extremely wide berth to navigate this administrative term. The Constitution as it stands, articulates clearly the remit of all of the elected office holders' positions and, as well, the role and function and remit of the Office of the President of PTB.
Past behavior being a predictor of future behavior within the organization's culture from a national optical standpoint, is difficult to change, after protracted prolonged period of misappropriation and alleged misconduct in office.... is difficult to change striving for progress not perfection. This board has been under a lot of pressure. If it is beginning to become overburdened with the responsibilities of their office, then contingency plans should be mobilized, with the relevant selected appointments, as has been done within the guidelines clearly outlined in the PTB constitution.
Different leaders have different personalities and different leadership styles... but the protocol and language of the Constitution are there to provide clearly the road map... of not only the role and function, and remit of authority, but to also ensure that the collective responsibility of the decisions taken do not in any way circumvent the laws of natural justice surrounding the roles of any part of that collective, that maybe inimical by any action, which may prejudice the desired outcome of the directive of the President.
Constitutional reform has not been dealt with properly by any President of Pan Trinbago, outside of perhaps Byron Serrette's contributions as Vice President, within recent mention. People must have the Will to do the right things for the right reasons, not for their lack of Public Philosophy to the organizations that they serve... People who put themselves up for service in Pan Trinbago ought to know what they are signing up for.
Court is not about what you know or what yuh think yuh know... is about what you can prove. But with leadership, is not what yuh do, but how yuh do it...
Small things make a big impact.
PTB allows for One President at a time...The President is in command of PTB similar to how the Prime Minister is in command of the GORTT (Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago).
If one cannot reconcile with the collective responsibility of the Pan Cabinet, and the decisions made by the Head of Pan Cabinet, and policy decisions are being taken, or the manner in which policy decisions are being made, are divergent from that of the President, or not in congruence with the Constitution; then simply take your leave by resigning or seek permission for legal redress against the action if necessary...
Don't emotionalize the conflict; and be very very careful about moving or relieving the elected Treasurer, as the financial Guardian of the Pan Trinbago Treasurer UNLESS there is a definitive problem.
Optics are critically importantly given our recent past financial history under the last administration. We are living in the present, looking into the future. Learning from the past is important; living in the past is futile and counterproductive to prosperity and harmony for all....
There are BIG people here who can assist with this Mexican Standoff... but may choose to be quiet and watch the deck of cards fall... With 1 year to go before Special Convention... some may not share the concern, some may want to engage the alleged conflict, some could not give a flying f*ck.
#panBeforeBand #countryBeforeParty... DO IT RIGHT
We are living in the present, looking into the future. Learning from the past is important; living in the past is futile, and counter productivity to prosperity and harmony for all....I have attempted to find out accurate information about my organization and I did it so transparently by speaking with my leaders directly like i have done with officers, Dane Gulston, Gerard Mendez and Keith Simpson DIRECTLY first, AND LISTEN carefully to their viewpoint and then communicate TRANSPARENTLY on a secured diplomatic chat through CIP WhatsApp medium, in an effort to circumvent any negative social media fallout and manage risk.
I do not get information from 'outside sources' or social media. I come to my elected leaders to get answers to my questions. For 2 years, answers to a lot of inquiries have largely gone unanswered, because collective responsibility I suspect meant toeing the President's Line... and generally stonewalling inquiries for 2 years... But now that BigToe is starting to squeeze the [other] toes of the shoe, and the toes bawling, is water more than flour.
I hold no grudge towards anyone or their personal agenda especially if the organization's leadership team are finding themselves in quicksand, over an inability to continue operating as a cohesive unit, after a solid 2-year run. They are to be highly commended, albeit eventually though for quite a while, my comments towards our discourse during the first Pan Cabinet reshuffle, caused him much consternation... We are far over that hurdle now.... and I EXPECT that the association's leaders will find a suitable, feasible and acceptable solution to resolve this impasse with all reasonable haste.
Communication has improved to the ground floor delegate membership, and it was the reason I prefer to work offline with crafting a workable solution that will be amenable to all, and avoid the conflict of Public embarrassment of Jackass Alley HERE, which I am excellent at bringing to bear on my leaders when I feel like they are completely disconnected from their membership.
Let's avoid that shall we. Let's talk it out... please... and find a reasonable solution... A lot of people doh like when I start to actUp... but Is a serious ting... is nutten to play folly with; make khuchoor, jhanjat or manima with... The association that is Pan Trinbago is serious serious business, to a lot of youths, women, at-risk populations and the wider Diaspora on the whole... But right now is not about focusing on PAN Trinbago internal bickering, but de PANdemic.
Leaders [of] Pan Trinbago have a serious responsibility and a sensitive mandate.
I will not sleep, I will not flinch, I will not blink .....and I will not bury my head in the sand, and pretend that all is well at Pan Trinbago, sweet, nice and honkie doorie... having spoken to Dane Gulston; Gerard Mendez and Keith Simpson at length.
When the President of Pan Trinbago makes a call to me, as a bonafide member of this association, I respond. I have spoken to President Ramsey-Moore at length as well.
Many of you know, that I am no one's mouthpiece or puppeteer or troll. NO ONE. I am responsible for my content. I am seeking to assist here, to listen and clearly communicate... To assist finding solutions, not to make any khuchoor, manima or jhanjat with the association's business. I am not here on that. I am not on some person mimic man jaunt to posture and position myself to jostle for a long political race to next year October. I am here because I am deeply genuinely concerned.
I am part of Pan Trinbago, and at a time as crucial as this, I shall and will always lead in a manner, free of gift, post or persuasion of any consideration, for the betterment of all, and by example.
I am pleading with my leaders to rethink this Mexican leadership Standoff - Beverley Ramsey-Moore - -versus Dane Gulston - Gerard Mendez - Carlon Harewood.
My reputation speaks for itself, and all of you know what I am about. Let us resolve this and resolve it now outside of the court... please, and thank you.
Respectfully submitted,
Gregory Lindsay
Member CIP
Band Delegate Pan Trinbago PSSO
Chairman/Manager & Treasurer (PSSO),
P.S... I am responsible for all of my content.
Gregory Lindsay, respect to you. You have taken the time, at personal risk, to plead your case for the good and betterment of PanTrinbago. Anyone who would take the time and make the effort to advocate solutions to perceived or real problems should be appreciated and valued. I am not sure about the accuracy of the assessment but the concerns expressed warrant a review by the management of PanTrinbago. I understand that management may not have the time to respond to all comments offered by its membership; however, the points articulated by Mr. Lindsay at least deserve a serious internal discussion by PanTrinbago's management team. Rather than simply talking, take definitive concrete action by engaging the services of a reputable independent external consulting team to pursue the desired leadership and operational improvements. Such an approach is generally adopted by responsible government and private business organizations as a matter of course. As an expat, my thoughts and best wishes are with PanTrinbago.
Well imagine that!! The positioning and jostling for the long political race from now to next year October has already begun.
Now one might think that a year (being a full one third of BEVERLEY'S administration) would have been put to PRODUCTIVE USE. Instead we are going to have a year of political infighting with NOTHING BEING ACCOMPLISHED.
What really bothers me the most is that the people who supported BEVERLEY with such PASSION in the last election are now silent. NO INTERVENTION on her behalf and they so LOVED HER. And the expectations were SO HIGH.
Despite GREGORY LINDSAY'S attempt at MENDING FENCES -- I know that the situation is not recoverable. Unless of course BEVERLEY could get a big INFLUX OF CASH from the new MINISTER OF CULTURE and BUY THE LOYALTY of these THREE TYRANTS. But she does not have the political or diplomatic charm to influence this NEW MINISTER OF CULTURE with so many hands already stretched out to him with the usual GIMME GIMME and he being a DIFFERENT KIND OF TRINIDADIAN.
So this internal war will continue and BEVERLEY'S ADMINISTRATION will go down in PAN HISTORY as one THE LEAST PRODUCTIVE EVER -- which is a REAL LOW, LOW.
Still, she is already busy LINING UP THE VOTES to win the ELECTION one year from now and she LOOKS LIKE THE FAVOURITE to keep control of the PAN TRINBAGO REINS.
The PAN TRINBAGO ADMINISTRATION is just destined to spin webs of futility without ever getting on THE ROAD TO PAN PROGRESS.
BEVERLEY should STAND UP LIKE A MAN and FIRE THESE THREE TROUBLEMAKERS and see if she can salvage the last year of her PRESIDENCY!!!
I want to thank THIS DEVOTED DELEGATE (and life long PAN LOVER) for shedding such INFORMED LIGHT on the INTERNAL CRISIS IN PAN TRINBAGO!!!
Respectfully accepted.