Guardian May 20, 2020

Winston “Gypsy” Peters

"Yesterday, PNM Moruga officials said the executive had screened and approved Peters, whose nomination was submitted to them. He was the sole nominee. Their recommendation for him to be the candidate is being sent to Balisier House today. The executive hopes he can secure victory after the PNM won the seat by 533 votes in 2015. They’ve said support slid under outgoing MP Francis.

Moruga officials said Peters, from Mayaro, has family in Moruga, once part of Mayaro constituency. Peters is the United National Congress’ former Mayaro MP. He was replaced in the 2015 poll by Rushton Paray and was appointed as National Carnival Commission chairman by the Rowley administration in 2018. Last year, he indicated he indicated he was open to considering candidacy."


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