The National Carnival Commission (NCC) has a new Chairman.
On Friday, former Culture Minister and Extempo Veteran, Winston 'Gypsy' Peters, received his instruments of appointment.
The appointment comes on the heels of the resignation of Colin Lucas after just five months in office.
To be honest, Cecil, this is something that I have resolved decades ago. Certain people choose to follow a POLITICAL PATH in life and in the process they master the game (which is mostly about HOLDING OFFICE) and tend to become LIFERS. It becomes an addiction, if you look at all the OLD PEOPLE in the US CONGRESS. Or you look at ROWLEY and KAMLA and MANNING. Look at the crew of REGIONAL LEADERS in PAN TRINBAGO all waiting to get their first taste of EXECUTIVE POWER.
But the point is that they put the time and effort in to mastering THAT PROFESSION. And they end up with the positions of power -- OLD, RECYCLED or NOT. They end up reaping the rewards of their efforts.
So when we sit on the sidelines and say who should be there and who should not be there -- our opinions have ZERO relevance in the HALLS OF POLITICAL POWER. The PLAYERS will always be the WINNERS -- and MOSTLY RECYCLED!!!
There is always a time when people had enough, and they bring someone FRESH into the game, Obama was fresh. GYPSY not fresh.
WHEN STEEL TALKS: I know that your philosophy is to SHARE all information on this forum. But allyuh did not have to put up that fumbling bumbling video of MR. WINSTON PETERS in his first interview after his appointment.
Allyuh just giving BUGS and CECIL more ammunition to try to KILL ME THIS MORNING!!!
Unless, of course, allyuh doh like the choice like the rest of people on this forum. But I think that he will be productive in the job!
POLITICS TRUMPS EVERYTHING!!! The man help ROWLEY and DOLLY win the election and they choose to give him a little BONUS JOB in return. That's Politics!!! That's Life!!! All over the world is the same thing!!!
But GYPSY is a MAN OF THE PEOPLE. He could walk into any PAN YARD or EVENT or CORPORATE OFFICE and everybody will gravitate to him.
The man has CREDENTIALS!!!
He can choose to CHANGE THE CHANGE and not sit down in the NCC offices like some POMPOUS BUREAUCRAT and instead GO OUT AND MEET THE PEOPLE and start solving problems.
I think that GYPSY is THE RIGHT MAN FOR THAT JOB. Give him one efficient administrative assistance and we could get some engines of progress started!!!
And they searched the land, far and wide, from the East to the West, North to South to see who is best suited for the job as Chairman of NCC, and there he was, under a stack of mattresses in his house the ex Culture Minister known to Pan People as someone who disrespected them in the past, more tribulation for pan people, when is it going to end? YOU DON'T SOLVE PROBLEMS BY RECYCLING PERSONNEL YOU HAVE TO BRING NEW PEOPLE WITH FRESH IDEAS..