To my very large family (Relatives), many friends and well wishers a sincere heart full thanks for your birthday greetings. I had a simply wonderful and blessed day. I am grateful. (Oh Yes I also did a good piece of arrangement on my panorama song with my Academy) ... Thank you all .... Salah
Happy B-DAY Mr. Salah Wilson + many,many more. had the pleasure of meeting you + your talented daughter in Toronto in 2010 for Caribana and enjoyed your arrangement + music from your band. Take care.
If you are born with a talent, then it means that God intended you to use it in some way. This Birthday, may you discover many more secret talents in yourself.
To my very large family (Relatives), many friends and well wishers a sincere heart full
thanks for your birthday greetings. I had a simply wonderful and blessed day. I am grateful. (Oh Yes I also did a good piece of arrangement on my panorama song with my Academy) ... Thank you all .... Salah
Hapi Earth Arrival Day, Colleague. May you be blessed with many more Earth Days...
Happy B-DAY Mr. Salah Wilson + many,many more. had the pleasure of meeting you + your talented daughter in Toronto in 2010 for Caribana and enjoyed your arrangement + music from your band. Take care.
Best wishes on your special day Salah. See you in a few weeks in Toronto. returning home 22nd.
Blessings Salah
Happy birthday SALAH, may you live to have many many more, enjoy
Happy Birthday Salah
Happy Birthday Salah; I had mine on the 12th.