
  • A A,  I almost forgot my friend Ghost. Mr. Goddard, thanks for the little clips coming through, those I remember from your many postings back in those days.

    Brenda H.

  • Happy New Year to WST Admimistrators and all the almost 20,000 members.

    May this New Year give us more courage to contribute as much as Claude Gonzales has single handedly done.  I will always want him to be my friend.  Especially with that crystal ball of his... sml...

    The pan world is entertaining so let's hope we can make it alive, well and up-to-date in 2018.

    A note to bugs, grj, odw, bede, Bertell, claude, valentino and those I know from way back... I am still here even though I keep having issues with my date of joining.  Everytime I look it shows I am a new member and does not recognize my membership when we were only 6,000+ members.

    Brenda H.

  • Happy New Year to everyone on When Steel Talks.

  • Happy New Year people.

    • Happy New Years, Cecil!!! NIAGARA FALLS could FREEZE OVER 10 times -- ah still crossing the border illegally and moving to CANADA!!! And if you see bugs anywhere around -- tell him and merrytonestothebone and Bertel a  HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

      Ah leave out meh new pardner RUSSELL PROVIDENCE. And ah love GREGORY LINDSAY and Mercer Ramdoo too bad. Ah also hope the ENGLISH LADY come back and lime in 2018; she need plenty calypso lessons with all the bacchanal going on!!!

      • Claude:  I'm here for 2018, just gave WST a little rest.

        You need to post your Calypso lessons on Youtube so that I can access them - LOL

        • Ingrid: Happy New Year!!! Lady, right now CALYPSO LESSONS are being given by ONE and ALL in the TRINIDAD MEDIA with the release of a certain calypso. So all you have to do is to read the local papers and you will get so many free lessons you will be an expert in Calypso in no time!!!

          • Claude:  thanks for the heads up.  However, I'm sure you can teach me more about calypso than any newspaper can do - LOL


  • Continued BLESSINGS to ALL and BEST wishes in the NEW YEAR.

    Special THANKS to WST for giving us the opportunity to EXPRESS our thoughts freely.

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