Someone commented on a steelband forum that , in his opinion , panorama has outlived its usefulness.
While I understand the sentiments behind this opinion , I strongly disagree , and I thought I should express my true feelings about Trinidad's Steelband Panorama competition, since they're so often misunderstood.
I have mixed feelings about the competition aspect of panorama , since I think it almost insulting to talented artists and arrangers, that they need competition to do their best work.
However , the competitive ethic is deep in our cultural DNA , and we're obsessed with knowing who is best.
And I accept that, though I'm in favor of limited restrictions to arrangers and bands in their musical choices.
One of the original purposes of the panorama was as a means of channeling the rivalries between Steelbands that resulted in violence in earlier times , and that purpose no longer exists at carnival time.
I think that Panorama has , like an adult child , outgrown the "family home" , which is the carnival.
Like that adult child , I think the panorama has growth potential that is stunted by a fear to face the unknown , like a cautious child's fear of leaving that family home.
I sincerely believe that panorama has the potential to be a massive Festival in Trinidad , almost rivaling the carnival , that could be held at mid-year , at a time when we could almost duplicate the tourism and some of the business actives of the carnival , since there is less cultural activity , and more room for growth , and development.
My belief is that this would open up opportunities for the Steelbands to focus on , and take advantage of the carnival period, , instead of the distraction of preparing for such a demanding competition as the modern panorama.
I think this would keep the Steelband active for most of the year , extend the Steelband year way past carnival , and keep Steelband interest alive with the casual fans.

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  • I’m sure between July and August you can have a week dedicated for a Steelband festival, most families take vacation during that time and schools are out. A lot of steel band activities can be promoted to include the junior pan competitions, a talent search for junior steel pan soloist, school steel band competition. The recent ICP shows is can be done with proper planning.

    Foreign schools with their steel band music programs would welcome an opportunity to come and explore Pan in the Mecca. Pan Trinbago and the Tourist Board can create a tour package to include ticket sales and accommodations for the visitors.

    Between Pan Trinbago, Government and the Corporate interest, they should be able to get some of their best minds behind this proposal and make it work. 

    • It just seems to me that we should be creating more opportunities for the steelband to be on display not taking away .Carnival and Steel pan go together like a glove and a hand....they compliment each other.A summer festival might be great but not at the expense of Panorama.

  • Panorama in mid year is around the time other countries are preparing for theirs, eg UK,USA, Canada.I'm wondering if many players who come from these countries to play in our panorama will make the trip or stay with their respective bands to practice.It will also be summer time and maybe many who visit in January to get out of the cold may stay at home causing the visitor influx to decline...just wondering.

    • You are correct Gerard, people come T&T to get away from the cold, watch panorama and carnival, the majority will not support panorama if it's later.

  •  nothing ever changes as it is tradition that we are steeped in

     what will happen when the govt of the day further has to reduce the $$ available

     if we had panorama at another time  

     there will be little or no interest--- try carnival at another time  

     who will be brave enough to postpone or cancel carnival or panorama

  • Call a meeting with PAN TRINBAGO and TABLE YOUR PROPOSAL!!!

  • If you don't compete, you get mediocrity.

  • It's certainly worth looking at Glenroy, but don't you think that if we had our National Panorama in the mid year, instead of at Carnival time, we may not have a reason to have any pan on the road during the Carnival.

    And another thing, if we did have it mid year, these winning steelbands would still want to have a parade in the streets, such as, We Beat or Pan on de Avenue, to show off their winning ways. Cause for another mini carnival ( and another holiday )

    On the other hand, if this did happen, it may be a real opportunity to showcase the pan movement on it's own instead of grouping it in with our yearly Carnival celebration.

  • Steelbands today see panorama as the great savior, many depend on the "lil kaka dah" they will get for appearance because that's their only income for the year, for a few of the large bands it's a sure few hundred thousand dollars for  a months practice, they all learnt to live with whatever they got from panorama not seeing how it made them stagnant. If they were to stop panorama there would be a civil war.

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