That is what I've been saying ALL along. Trinbagonians rather remain silent in comfort, that have a discussion that may disturb our consciences. Until this forum, and our society, in general, understands that an attitude becomes a behavior, and a behavior becomes a habit (ritual, culture, mores, etc.), we will NEVER understand the crime situation in Trinidad & Tobago, nor the roles we play(ed), even in (as MLK would put it) our "appalling silence", in helping to bring our society to the deteriorated condition we find it in today. Until we have "the conversation" on race relations, we will ALWAYS be plagued by hazards that affect the "quality of life" of us all. And until we deject hypocritical "judgement" and the "culture" of double-standards, we may not be aware of our input, however, both "God", and the consciences innate in us, do. We feel detached to the plight of the poor and down-trodden, and are quick to tell the victim to "get over it", forgetting that the "it" isn't "over", and the "isms" that have plagued man, since the beginning of "human history", continue to haunt us to this day.
I do not see this emotional "going at it", as such a bad thing, though. Sure, many are offended, but they fail to see the offense in being an inactive, apathetic member of any fraternity. Some (mainly) White foreigners, feel that certain topics are our (Trinbagonians) issues and problems, yet, it is obvious that their love is for the instrument, not the people (and their problems). However, we (locals) are quick to defend some of these same foreigners, especially if they are "White". Now, if the foreigner happens to be one of our "Caribbean neighbors" and Black, like Jerome, he is openly chastised for voicing his opinions, and told to stay out of our business.
So things have been "outer-hand" a long, long, time ago. Not just on this WST site, but in the "steelband movement", the steeldrum/pan industry, the steelbands' "union" (Pan Trinbago), and in our twin-island country as well. If it wasn't, a lot of us "Trinis" would have never left home in the first place. Remember, even with a low burner, a forgotten pot on the stove, can still cause the house to "bun down". Regardless of how "hot de pot is", as long as someone's watching it, even if they can't cook, they can still sound the alarm. We may like to think that Trinidad & Tobago is the only Utopian society on this "third rock", but the reality is, we are far from that ideal, and, like the pot on the stove, needs our attention, regardless of how "heated" the debate becomes. I think the only help this forum needs is the art of comprehension, the virtue of fairness in looking at the "whole" story, before passing judgement, and the respect to respond to content, and not with character assassinations and disrespect for ANY steelband pioneer, ESPECIALLY, my father, GEORGE "SONNY" GODDARD. "Cuss words" and obscenities, are not the only hurtful or disrespectful words.
GHOST - Who Sought The Peace, Before Going To War!
Cecil hinkson > Pan'tum - The Ghost Who TalksJune 1, 2012 at 11:43pm
George my brother, we have 10,000 members on WST, only about 25 - 35 people add a post or take part in our discussions. I find it shameful that we cannot as grown men discuss a topic without calling one another chupid, illiterate, ass, asshole, nigger, coolie, who want to be a part of anything where the members disrespect one another? WST is as good as its members, our job is to build it up not brake down.
Look at the "numbers". Compare the "hits" my "Blueprint" received to, say, more "juicy" posts, not only by myself, but others as well, from the Lady Gypsy "No Lie" to my discussions. Also note SIDDS' attack on the "Blueprint", with NO "positive" feedback. (Unless you consider "No problem here", a "positive" feedback.)
Cecil, what is "shameful", is the disrespect and lack of compassion, I have been receiving from DAY ONE, as one of the "25-30" out of the 10K members, who is not only the son of a pioneer, but a "panman" as well. You have people on this forum, who do not even play the instrument, and expect to be "authorities" on this website. You have a very biased, clannish few, who, when I posted comments and discussions "to build up" (like my "Blueprint), chose to be unappreciative and disrespectful. Some choose to warp the truth about my positions and comments, and, again, I have been doing this blogging thing long before I joined WST. I know the "limits", and just like a boxing ring or basketball court, I play withing the parameters. If this were a social medium like Facebook, I would not be as "vocal", and those who fail to be involved in the discussions, may choose to blame me, however, again, the evidence shows that they were inactive members long before I came to this site, and fail to respond to ANY posts by ANY member, including "positive" comments (especially when it involves "Trinbagonians" and their "issues"). By contrast, when one of our Caribbean neighbors voice their opinion, they are told that they are not from Trinidad & Tobago, and to stay out of our business.
Secondly, Cecil, my brother, respect is reciprocal, and out of the few who do input, only one or two are fair in their "judgement", for certainly, I have been misrepresented over and over again, and most of you allowed it to happen, while the hyenas laughed. I have been respectful to those who respect me, even in disagreement, and you can go back and look at comments by Salah, E-Pan Man, Glenroy, and others, where you would see that I have respectfully disagreed. There are different ways to insult a person - directly or indirectly - and certain words are construed to imply certain things about a person. Some rather use sarcasm and unkind words, and disagree for disagreeing sake. I have ALWAYS posted my positions along with the sources, however, these "grown men", cannot decipher between FACT (based on evidence) and OPINION (based on one's comprehension and analysis of the evidence). When I took the "scholarly" approach, they took that to mean that I felt that I am more "educated" that everyone on this forum, which is not the case. When I thought that because of my "vantage point", being George "Sonny" Goddard's son, played in Merrytones, toured the US with Hugh Borde's "World Famous" Trinidad Tripoli Steel Band, grew up next door to Neville Jules, lived on the same street with Chalkdust, and called other calyposnians "uncle" (Terror, Blakie, Roaring Lion, etc.) a graduate of Florida Memorial University (under Dr. Dawn Baton and Melton Mustafa), and so forth, would be appreciated by this forum, and the WST board did, and do. The moderators of this forum, I am sure, are also very aware of the "chatter", and they also know my value to the success of this forum, and to the "steelband movement" as a whole. They have ALWAYS taken a "neutral" approach.
It is a biased position to represent those offended by the "name-calling" (which I will continue to do, until you also address the disrespectful, racist, libelous, childish, sarcastic, unappreciative comments as well), and not also represent those offended by the racist and "religious/spiritual" comments posted by others. I would much rather you call me ANYTHING (including a "nigger", used in context), that to expect me to "act" like a "good Negro", while others attack my comments, "education", heritage, "religious/spiritual" views, and person, with OPINION, SARCASM, DISTORTION, and DISRESPECTFUL DISMISSAL, without checking to see if my claims are true or not. That, to me, is not a "grown" approach, and the one thing I know about communication, is that to be understood, it is best to speak in the language of the receiver. I tried the "intellectual" approach, however, it was not appreciated, nor was I "understood". As for the racial slurs, I would like you to repost ANY comment I made, where I referred to anyone as a "nigger" or a "coolie". As a matter of fact, you may throw in "Dougla" as well. I did refer to a disrespectful, apathetic, responder as an "ole nigger", and EVERY "Trinbagonian" knows that is a reference to a "mental" condition. I also have made it clear about having no qualms, when it comes to being offensive to those who could not care less about me, my "problems", my ideas, my qualifications, my experience, my "vantage point", as previously discussed, and my genuine input on this forum, and love for both the country of my birth, and my "culture" (which is part "African/Black" and part "Trinidbagonian"). So, you may choose to refer to me as "boy" and "kid", while making sarcastic mockery of my sincere positive input, however words like "stupid" (the one I would use), "illiterate" (which is not a bad word), "ass" and "asshole" (which I KNOW, if you are honest, you have called me much worse in you mind, and on this forum).
I would ask that you be unbiased and fair in your "judgement", before I can consider it credible. I agree, I took it to another level; now, let's ALL go back, and be fair in pointing finger, for four more will ALWAYS be pointing back at you. Show me where the inactive were involved in the discussions prior to these heated, offensive "debates", and your claim as to these exchanges as being the CAUSE, would certainly add validity to your argument.
In Ma'at (Truth. Justice. Reciprocity.)
GHOST - Who Will ALWAYS Talk, Regardless Of The Excuses Of The "Appallingly Silent"!!!!
Cecil hinkson > Pan'tum - The Ghost Who TalksJune 3, 2012 at 6:34pm
George, you mention Sidd in the first 3 lines here so lets get Sidd out of the way. You know why you and Sidd doh get along? it's because you are both alike lol, ah bet yuh was'nt looking for that, but it is true, you are both strong educated people who might not have the same point of view, that doh say that one is right and the other wrong, just different opinions, both ah allyuh have the record on WST for the longest answers, you are both men of many words, aint nothing wrong with that. Sidd was wrong to bring your wife into the discussion. I would like to apologize to you because none of us told Sidd that was not nice.
Let me clear the air about referring to you as the "kid". The first time I saw the name George Goddard I was under the impression that it was your father, it was after I realize that you were the son so when you and Sidd was mixing it up I said to Sidd go easy on the "kid" did not mean to be sarcastic.
My brother you often tell people to look at the message not the messenger, in the real world people look at the messenger, so when you make a positive post and mix it up negatively with someone your negative vibe overpower your positive message.
The core members on this site know who you are and is respectful of your credentials, you are the only one that keep reminding us of who you are, Dr Lance once said that he did not come on this site to flaunt his credentials, people don't take kindly to anyone reminding them of their credentials.
It is only around Pan that you could find someone who never struck a note in their life but could tell you anything you want to know about Pan.
We are all here because of our love for the Pan, we don't have to always agree with one another but we must always treat one another with respect. I have a few years on you my brother so I would like to share a life lesson with you. Never give another person the power to make you start talking vile or being someone you are not. The bigger man is the one that walk away.
I can't help but agree with you Cecil, sometimes I used to comment on certain topics and issues on the WST forum but I think it is really disturbing and tasteless when adults call each other derogatory names, and then we often wonder what is wrong with the youths. After a while I stopped commenting and just read some of the stories here. Please note that I am all for discussions and "arguing" a persons's point of view on a topic, we are all different and cannot agree on everything, but the name calling is quite unnecessary.
Barry, have I EVER disrespected you? Have you ever disrespected me? We both know the answer to that question. I don't have to "wonder what is wrong with the youths". I KNOW what is "wrong" with the youths - they should not have been born BLACK in a WHITE-DOMINATED AND RULED SOCIAL SYSTEM THAT PLACES THEM AT THE BOTTOM, WHEREVER THEY ME BE BORN! Let me ask, if I may, do you think that ANY other "racial group" of people, would do any better, if they were placed under the same system, which still exists, though on a more covert and institutional level? Have you vied ANY of my videos on the subject, if you are sincere in finding the answer, or do you believe it is because as "Blacks", they are "genetically predisposed" to deviant behavior? My position is that BOTH nurture and nature play their part in "molding" a child into adolescence and eventual adulthood. Finally, who deserves greater appreciation and honor; the man who leaves country for personal gain, or the man who stays as a servant for his country for the benefit of others? No disrespect. Shem Em Hotep. (Peace)
Barry Mannette > Pan'tum - The Ghost Who TalksJune 3, 2012 at 7:58pm
Nice, I definitely agree that both nurture and nature play a significant role in molding a child and adulthood. I like your final question as well. But sometimes a man leaves his country to better himself and still serves his country from what he has learn through the betterment process. But I see where you are coming from.
Thanks, Barry. Don't get me wrong; I LOVE and HONOR those who left for better opportunity. I just would like to see us also LOVE and HONOR those who stayed and fought, not to better themselves, but for the betterment of the movement and the industry. And that is why, it is so offensive that to this date, the pan fraternity, has NOT given George "Sonny" Goddard, the proper honor and recognition he deserves. I met Ellie in Arizona in the late 1980s, and he was not fond of the country of his birth, and was not shy to admit it. So, my position remains, that, George deserves the same highlight given to those who did not sacrifice for country like he did. Peace.
Cecil hinkson > Barry MannetteJune 2, 2012 at 12:50am
Barry there is a lot for people that would like to join in our discussions but don't because they doh want anyone cussin or calling them any derogatory names. In order for the site to become better I think it should be monitored just to keep members inline.
Randi Curvan > Cecil hinksonJune 3, 2012 at 5:44pm
Cecil, I agree with you. As much as I would up hold Freedom of Speech, I would have no qualms in deliberately editing out any remarks which are directed at any particular individual and are derogatory or insulting. If WST should see it fit to do so, they will most definitely have my support.
There are lots of things members write about that we may not agree with but we either keep our own council or we wait a day or two after the heat has died down to offer a constructive and alternative opinion.
But this type of rant is beyond a joke and unnecessary. Save the cussin and name callin for bad panorama judgin!! Ha! Ha!
That is what I've been saying ALL along. Trinbagonians rather remain silent in comfort, that have a discussion that may disturb our consciences. Until this forum, and our society, in general, understands that an attitude becomes a behavior, and a behavior becomes a habit (ritual, culture, mores, etc.), we will NEVER understand the crime situation in Trinidad & Tobago, nor the roles we play(ed), even in (as MLK would put it) our "appalling silence", in helping to bring our society to the deteriorated condition we find it in today. Until we have "the conversation" on race relations, we will ALWAYS be plagued by hazards that affect the "quality of life" of us all. And until we deject hypocritical "judgement" and the "culture" of double-standards, we may not be aware of our input, however, both "God", and the consciences innate in us, do. We feel detached to the plight of the poor and down-trodden, and are quick to tell the victim to "get over it", forgetting that the "it" isn't "over", and the "isms" that have plagued man, since the beginning of "human history", continue to haunt us to this day.
I do not see this emotional "going at it", as such a bad thing, though. Sure, many are offended, but they fail to see the offense in being an inactive, apathetic member of any fraternity. Some (mainly) White foreigners, feel that certain topics are our (Trinbagonians) issues and problems, yet, it is obvious that their love is for the instrument, not the people (and their problems). However, we (locals) are quick to defend some of these same foreigners, especially if they are "White". Now, if the foreigner happens to be one of our "Caribbean neighbors" and Black, like Jerome, he is openly chastised for voicing his opinions, and told to stay out of our business.
So things have been "outer-hand" a long, long, time ago. Not just on this WST site, but in the "steelband movement", the steeldrum/pan industry, the steelbands' "union" (Pan Trinbago), and in our twin-island country as well. If it wasn't, a lot of us "Trinis" would have never left home in the first place. Remember, even with a low burner, a forgotten pot on the stove, can still cause the house to "bun down". Regardless of how "hot de pot is", as long as someone's watching it, even if they can't cook, they can still sound the alarm. We may like to think that Trinidad & Tobago is the only Utopian society on this "third rock", but the reality is, we are far from that ideal, and, like the pot on the stove, needs our attention, regardless of how "heated" the debate becomes. I think the only help this forum needs is the art of comprehension, the virtue of fairness in looking at the "whole" story, before passing judgement, and the respect to respond to content, and not with character assassinations and disrespect for ANY steelband pioneer, ESPECIALLY, my father, GEORGE "SONNY" GODDARD. "Cuss words" and obscenities, are not the only hurtful or disrespectful words.
GHOST - Who Sought The Peace, Before Going To War!
George my brother, we have 10,000 members on WST, only about 25 - 35 people add a post or take part in our discussions. I find it shameful that we cannot as grown men discuss a topic without calling one another chupid, illiterate, ass, asshole, nigger, coolie, who want to be a part of anything where the members disrespect one another? WST is as good as its members, our job is to build it up not brake down.
Look at the "numbers". Compare the "hits" my "Blueprint" received to, say, more "juicy" posts, not only by myself, but others as well, from the Lady Gypsy "No Lie" to my discussions. Also note SIDDS' attack on the "Blueprint", with NO "positive" feedback. (Unless you consider "No problem here", a "positive" feedback.)
Cecil, what is "shameful", is the disrespect and lack of compassion, I have been receiving from DAY ONE, as one of the "25-30" out of the 10K members, who is not only the son of a pioneer, but a "panman" as well. You have people on this forum, who do not even play the instrument, and expect to be "authorities" on this website. You have a very biased, clannish few, who, when I posted comments and discussions "to build up" (like my "Blueprint), chose to be unappreciative and disrespectful. Some choose to warp the truth about my positions and comments, and, again, I have been doing this blogging thing long before I joined WST. I know the "limits", and just like a boxing ring or basketball court, I play withing the parameters. If this were a social medium like Facebook, I would not be as "vocal", and those who fail to be involved in the discussions, may choose to blame me, however, again, the evidence shows that they were inactive members long before I came to this site, and fail to respond to ANY posts by ANY member, including "positive" comments (especially when it involves "Trinbagonians" and their "issues"). By contrast, when one of our Caribbean neighbors voice their opinion, they are told that they are not from Trinidad & Tobago, and to stay out of our business.
Secondly, Cecil, my brother, respect is reciprocal, and out of the few who do input, only one or two are fair in their "judgement", for certainly, I have been misrepresented over and over again, and most of you allowed it to happen, while the hyenas laughed. I have been respectful to those who respect me, even in disagreement, and you can go back and look at comments by Salah, E-Pan Man, Glenroy, and others, where you would see that I have respectfully disagreed. There are different ways to insult a person - directly or indirectly - and certain words are construed to imply certain things about a person. Some rather use sarcasm and unkind words, and disagree for disagreeing sake. I have ALWAYS posted my positions along with the sources, however, these "grown men", cannot decipher between FACT (based on evidence) and OPINION (based on one's comprehension and analysis of the evidence). When I took the "scholarly" approach, they took that to mean that I felt that I am more "educated" that everyone on this forum, which is not the case. When I thought that because of my "vantage point", being George "Sonny" Goddard's son, played in Merrytones, toured the US with Hugh Borde's "World Famous" Trinidad Tripoli Steel Band, grew up next door to Neville Jules, lived on the same street with Chalkdust, and called other calyposnians "uncle" (Terror, Blakie, Roaring Lion, etc.) a graduate of Florida Memorial University (under Dr. Dawn Baton and Melton Mustafa), and so forth, would be appreciated by this forum, and the WST board did, and do. The moderators of this forum, I am sure, are also very aware of the "chatter", and they also know my value to the success of this forum, and to the "steelband movement" as a whole. They have ALWAYS taken a "neutral" approach.
It is a biased position to represent those offended by the "name-calling" (which I will continue to do, until you also address the disrespectful, racist, libelous, childish, sarcastic, unappreciative comments as well), and not also represent those offended by the racist and "religious/spiritual" comments posted by others. I would much rather you call me ANYTHING (including a "nigger", used in context), that to expect me to "act" like a "good Negro", while others attack my comments, "education", heritage, "religious/spiritual" views, and person, with OPINION, SARCASM, DISTORTION, and DISRESPECTFUL DISMISSAL, without checking to see if my claims are true or not. That, to me, is not a "grown" approach, and the one thing I know about communication, is that to be understood, it is best to speak in the language of the receiver. I tried the "intellectual" approach, however, it was not appreciated, nor was I "understood". As for the racial slurs, I would like you to repost ANY comment I made, where I referred to anyone as a "nigger" or a "coolie". As a matter of fact, you may throw in "Dougla" as well. I did refer to a disrespectful, apathetic, responder as an "ole nigger", and EVERY "Trinbagonian" knows that is a reference to a "mental" condition. I also have made it clear about having no qualms, when it comes to being offensive to those who could not care less about me, my "problems", my ideas, my qualifications, my experience, my "vantage point", as previously discussed, and my genuine input on this forum, and love for both the country of my birth, and my "culture" (which is part "African/Black" and part "Trinidbagonian"). So, you may choose to refer to me as "boy" and "kid", while making sarcastic mockery of my sincere positive input, however words like "stupid" (the one I would use), "illiterate" (which is not a bad word), "ass" and "asshole" (which I KNOW, if you are honest, you have called me much worse in you mind, and on this forum).
I would ask that you be unbiased and fair in your "judgement", before I can consider it credible. I agree, I took it to another level; now, let's ALL go back, and be fair in pointing finger, for four more will ALWAYS be pointing back at you. Show me where the inactive were involved in the discussions prior to these heated, offensive "debates", and your claim as to these exchanges as being the CAUSE, would certainly add validity to your argument.
In Ma'at (Truth. Justice. Reciprocity.)
GHOST - Who Will ALWAYS Talk, Regardless Of The Excuses Of The "Appallingly Silent"!!!!
George, you mention Sidd in the first 3 lines here so lets get Sidd out of the way. You know why you and Sidd doh get along? it's because you are both alike lol, ah bet yuh was'nt looking for that, but it is true, you are both strong educated people who might not have the same point of view, that doh say that one is right and the other wrong, just different opinions, both ah allyuh have the record on WST for the longest answers, you are both men of many words, aint nothing wrong with that. Sidd was wrong to bring your wife into the discussion. I would like to apologize to you because none of us told Sidd that was not nice.
Let me clear the air about referring to you as the "kid". The first time I saw the name George Goddard I was under the impression that it was your father, it was after I realize that you were the son so when you and Sidd was mixing it up I said to Sidd go easy on the "kid" did not mean to be sarcastic.
My brother you often tell people to look at the message not the messenger, in the real world people look at the messenger, so when you make a positive post and mix it up negatively with someone your negative vibe overpower your positive message.
The core members on this site know who you are and is respectful of your credentials, you are the only one that keep reminding us of who you are, Dr Lance once said that he did not come on this site to flaunt his credentials, people don't take kindly to anyone reminding them of their credentials.
It is only around Pan that you could find someone who never struck a note in their life but could tell you anything you want to know about Pan.
We are all here because of our love for the Pan, we don't have to always agree with one another but we must always treat one another with respect. I have a few years on you my brother so I would like to share a life lesson with you. Never give another person the power to make you start talking vile or being someone you are not. The bigger man is the one that walk away.
I can't help but agree with you Cecil, sometimes I used to comment on certain topics and issues on the WST forum but I think it is really disturbing and tasteless when adults call each other derogatory names, and then we often wonder what is wrong with the youths. After a while I stopped commenting and just read some of the stories here. Please note that I am all for discussions and "arguing" a persons's point of view on a topic, we are all different and cannot agree on everything, but the name calling is quite unnecessary.
Barry, have I EVER disrespected you? Have you ever disrespected me? We both know the answer to that question. I don't have to "wonder what is wrong with the youths". I KNOW what is "wrong" with the youths - they should not have been born BLACK in a WHITE-DOMINATED AND RULED SOCIAL SYSTEM THAT PLACES THEM AT THE BOTTOM, WHEREVER THEY ME BE BORN! Let me ask, if I may, do you think that ANY other "racial group" of people, would do any better, if they were placed under the same system, which still exists, though on a more covert and institutional level? Have you vied ANY of my videos on the subject, if you are sincere in finding the answer, or do you believe it is because as "Blacks", they are "genetically predisposed" to deviant behavior? My position is that BOTH nurture and nature play their part in "molding" a child into adolescence and eventual adulthood. Finally, who deserves greater appreciation and honor; the man who leaves country for personal gain, or the man who stays as a servant for his country for the benefit of others? No disrespect. Shem Em Hotep. (Peace)
Nice, I definitely agree that both nurture and nature play a significant role in molding a child and adulthood. I like your final question as well. But sometimes a man leaves his country to better himself and still serves his country from what he has learn through the betterment process. But I see where you are coming from.
Thanks, Barry. Don't get me wrong; I LOVE and HONOR those who left for better opportunity. I just would like to see us also LOVE and HONOR those who stayed and fought, not to better themselves, but for the betterment of the movement and the industry. And that is why, it is so offensive that to this date, the pan fraternity, has NOT given George "Sonny" Goddard, the proper honor and recognition he deserves. I met Ellie in Arizona in the late 1980s, and he was not fond of the country of his birth, and was not shy to admit it. So, my position remains, that, George deserves the same highlight given to those who did not sacrifice for country like he did. Peace.
Barry there is a lot for people that would like to join in our discussions but don't because they doh want anyone cussin or calling them any derogatory names. In order for the site to become better I think it should be monitored just to keep members inline.
Cecil, I agree with you. As much as I would up hold Freedom of Speech, I would have no qualms in deliberately editing out any remarks which are directed at any particular individual and are derogatory or insulting. If WST should see it fit to do so, they will most definitely have my support.
There are lots of things members write about that we may not agree with but we either keep our own council or we wait a day or two after the heat has died down to offer a constructive and alternative opinion.
But this type of rant is beyond a joke and unnecessary. Save the cussin and name callin for bad panorama judgin!! Ha! Ha!