Pantonic, CASYM & Natural Expression keep things churning
Brooklyn, New York, USA - It was another hot Summer night, and a very humid one at that - for the 2012 Pantonic Band Launch. Combine the entertaining and sultry steel band sounds of Pantonic and CASYM, with the hot rhythmic session laid down by Natural Expressions, and it was a great way to plunge into a warm and very ‘moist’ Saturday evening. Keep in mind that it had already been an active day for some of these pan players, some of whom had finished earlier on, several stints of fun-filled activity under very sunny skies at Sonatas’ 3rd Annual Sports Day.
When Steel Talks arrived as Pantonic was into their first set for the evening, and a small crowd ringed the sides and front of the band as they dished out a performance to match the heated weather. The only thing “cool” about the band was their attire - white polo shirts; otherwise, it was music to match the temperature as onlookers danced.
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