So whoever want to win have to come to an agreement with me to APPOINT GREGORY LINDSAY in a GOOD POSITION with a GOOD SALARY. Any SLATE that refuses to sign that agreement with me before the elections is DESTINED TO LOSE. Because I have ALL THE NEGATIVE FILES on EVERYBODY and I wielding POLITICAL POWER like J EDGAR HOOVER.
BOOGSIE lie in ah CHURCH to make BEVERLEY PRESIDENT -- so doh lecture me about MORALITY.
Why GREGORY LINDSAY? Because I am saying it from the BOTTOM OF MY HEART that HE is THE PUREST PAN LOVER I have come across in my entire life of MEETING PAN MEN.
PATRICK ARNOLD runs a close second, but FINANCIAL CIRCUMSTANCES tainted his integrity. And I understand that ... and could even make EXCUSES FOR HIM.
But GREGORY LINDSAY is a FINANCIALLY INDEPENDENT MAN and he chooses to address the crucial issue: What he can do for pan as opposed to what PAN can do for him.
Boi...hmmm what ah day in de Mecca at HQ as my Regional Office in Northern Region was closed for the day
Gregory: You talking BROADBAND with BACKWARD BEVERLEY?
Boy, is best we BOTH QUIT THIS PAN TING and find more PRODUCTIVE WAYS to spend our time.
But you are THE MOST HONEST commentator (and sincerest PAN LOVER) in this PAN THING and yuh not LOOKING FOR POWER or HANDOUTS!!!
Tell meh what was in the HAMPER, nah. Because I DIN EVEN GET ONE!!!