So whoever want to win have to come to an agreement with me to APPOINT GREGORY LINDSAY in a GOOD POSITION with a GOOD SALARY. Any SLATE that refuses to sign that agreement with me before the elections is DESTINED TO LOSE. Because I have ALL THE NEGATIVE FILES on EVERYBODY and I wielding POLITICAL POWER like J EDGAR HOOVER.

BOOGSIE lie in ah CHURCH to make BEVERLEY PRESIDENT -- so doh lecture me about MORALITY.

Why GREGORY LINDSAY? Because I am saying it from the BOTTOM OF MY HEART that HE is THE PUREST PAN LOVER I have come across in my entire life of MEETING PAN MEN.

PATRICK ARNOLD runs a close second, but FINANCIAL CIRCUMSTANCES tainted his integrity. And I understand that ... and could even make EXCUSES FOR HIM.

But GREGORY LINDSAY is a FINANCIALLY INDEPENDENT MAN and he chooses to address the crucial issue: What he can do for pan as opposed to what PAN can do for him.


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  • Boi...hmmm what ah day in de Mecca at HQ as my Regional Office in Northern Region was closed for the day

    I went to make sure my band paperwork for financial status for the upconing ah proper gear for 2021-2022 @ PTB.  Hampers upon hampers in the Atrium as the HQ buzzed with excitement as band leaders came and collected their Social Prosperity Fund Blessings of hampers, with one on one chats with Her Excellency herself THE BEV & her Chief of Staff in her throne Room. 
    Fancy that eh!....after Bob Hernandez call me to let me know that the election circus is passing through the town with calls to come on down to the office one by one? .......I hope Aquil and Bob Hernandez go and get their bags of goodies to eat...and stop they have a lot of players and young people in their communities suffering for simple things like eat....plain facts. I went by Philmore Job from Spree Simon Harmonics.....dem in a rel state boi..Sad...but tomorrow guaranteed...election circus going and roll thru....then what?.....
    Imagine this right....out of the Presidents mouth, eh "I dealt with the MP in Tobago to use the machinery of the State to engineer a well deserved 8Million Dollar PanYard Refurbishment at Golden Lane in Tobago through SelfHelp." ....
    Now I can understand why my phone calls and visits to SelfHelp offices go unanswered even by the Office of the MP for Port of Spain South for a simple request for much less assistance of $8350.00 TTD, to invest in income generating activity tool to save in paying to TTEC exorbitant recurrent expenditure, by allowing PanYards to be solar powered for outdoor lighting in the first phase, thereby reducing not only the carbon footprint, but also significantly reduce electricity utility bill for all bands...and still give Golden Lane ah nice 4Million TTD panyard.. Read the article for your ease of reference
    Steups.....too much feudalistic tribalism....Tobago for Tobago..We the North hadda stick together, even though man doing wrong ting like normal and want to jackass de scene right through.....phew..miss me with dat
    I went up on my farm get some of my farm Goodies shared with Her Ladyship some avocados, tomato, patchoi and chive from my garden...tell her thanks for the goodies,.....collect my paperwork and was outta there.....Imagine as a Commissioner of NCC, you cyah even tell me how NCC came to be a TITLE sponsor for the upcoming Great Race in Tobago. Eh...
    Claude,...I am getting tired of fighting all of  these people all the time who feel they could tell me i am a deep thinker for the movement..but yet still President come President photo opportunities and hoodwinking right thru...I am weary of it I am tired of it...I will do like Eric Williams and stop talking soon....and just grow quietly with my me. My community depends on me to lead..and I am moving like BIDEN...i want facilities, green energy and broadband technologies in my Orchestra's Panyard like between now and by Sept 2021, most of my community youth who don't have broadband access, will need it for when school starts..
    I informed the President that it is my view, two things, will occur. I have already made those predictions long long ago, and in a recent post...1. the possibility of not being to conduct an election and 2.. the possibility that there will be no Carnival 2022.....for all of the reasons outlined chief amongst them..the Emergency Regulations and the Public Health Regulations regarding gathering in groups.....with 2 more weeks to go, and plenty vaccines in the house, however it hang it swing, because for me and my Orchestra, we are about to make ah dread dread left turn.....and is just circus here...Count on it
    The Ayatollah of Delegates
    De 'Country Bookie' pardner
    Have a great weekend
    P.s. tell James Pan Foster to broadcast to all band leaders to go see Santa Bev and feed their people in need....Love
    • Gregory: You talking BROADBAND with BACKWARD BEVERLEY?

      Boy, is best we BOTH QUIT THIS PAN TING and find more PRODUCTIVE WAYS to spend our time.

      But you are THE MOST HONEST commentator (and sincerest PAN LOVER) in this PAN THING and yuh not LOOKING FOR POWER or HANDOUTS!!!

      Tell meh what was in the HAMPER, nah. Because I DIN EVEN GET ONE!!!

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