How could she hand over TWENTY TWO MILLION DOLLARS to a KNOWN fraudster. A known BADJOHN and HUSTLER and DISHONEST DEALER.

Was Beverley Ramsey-Moore a liar? Was Byron Serette a liar? Was Gregory Lindsay a liar?

If you control 350,000 votes for the party -- does that mean that you could steal 34 MILLION DOLLARS and get away with it?

The CIP is a real waste of time. I could run a ONE MAN WEBSITE and have DOLLY and DIAZ out of office in THREE MONTHS.


AQUIL ARRINDELL should lock himself in a room for SIX MONTHS and practice the PAN so that he can reach GLOBAL LEVEL.

Ah doh want to hear nothing about the OCTOBER 2018 PAN TRINBAGO ELECTIONS. Ah done know the results already. Allyuh remind me about the RADICAL ISLAM discussion and a book I want to write: THE LAST WESTERNER!!!

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  • Claude:  it just seems unbelievable that this can be allowed to go on.  The pan men are being "shafted" left right and centre.  $34m has been stolen already so what do you do, give the same thieves another $22m.  Am I missing something?

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