That 1.8 MILLION $$$$$ from the WINNING PANORAMA PURSES will not take us very far, Mr. Diaz!!! The Chinese and the Syrians cannot help you because they are UNDER ATTACK (physical and economic) so they don't have you to study. The MARDI GRAS has come up with a plan to steal the financial resources and the PAN from the AFRO-TRINIDADIAN and it seems as if the plan has succeeded.
It seems as if "BROTHER" Afro-Trinidadians like Gregory and Dane and Aquil have joined forces with the ENEMY to cut off your financial supply and take control of WE TING that we struggled so hard to establish for so many decades (out of pain and police brutality this culture was born ... and ting like that).
There is no more fruit on the PAN TRINBAGO money tree; so please hand in your resignation and let the relevant agencies step up and fulfill their obligations to ensure the rest of the world does not steal the credit for the creation of the steel-pan.
The good Dr. Dolly is on the case. All gangstas must go to jail for teefing the children Christmas money. Resigning is not an option. College boy is singing more than Trump's main man, Flym.
bugs: Ah never see ah SCRIPT so long like this one you are writing for this movie. I am currently negotiating a plea bargain deal for ROLLY POLLY with Doctor Dolly. So it is going to be a shocking plot twist when you see who ends up going to CLUB JAIL when and if this case ever gets to the courtroom. Rest assured it is NOT my client!!!
Cecil: Sometimes yuh does say in FOUR WORDS what it does take me 150 words to say.
That would be a real miracle if Keith Diaz see the darkness at the end of the tunnel and he decide ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!
Doh tell meh that Aquil going and become PRESIDENT OF PAN TRINBAGO and the next thing yuh know the man get like JEFF SESSIONS and telling people what they could and could not write on this forum -- all the while saying that he NOT involved in POLITICS.