Now ah know ah lot ah people saying: Claude yuh is TWICE them fellahs age, how yuh could call them YUH BROTHERS?
I OLD!!! But I doh FEEL OLD because I have never been sick ONE DAY IN MY LIFE!!! And meh brain eh start to addle yet -- although bugs will swear that I have CONCUSSION PROBLEMS.
So I am still hoping that these YOUNG MEN get together BEYOND PARTY LINES and COLLAPSE THE TIME-FRAME for PAN PROGRESS.
They should both EMAIL ME and learn from my GLOBAL VISION FOR PAN -- and odw will explain to them that PROGRESS STARTS at the BOTTOM.
So as PAN TRINBAGO gets more mired in POLITICS and DEBT and ARROGANCE -- I am appealing to these two YOUNG MEN to THINK GLOBAL!!!! And reach out to a man WITH THE GLOBAL VISION FOR PAN.
But allyuh have to work BOTTOM UP!!! Ask ODW about that!!! Or read the POSTING ah put up this morning for ODW!!!