I have met a LOT OF PEOPLE who REALLY LOVE PAN; but I think that CECIL HINKSON might just be one of the GREATEST PAN LOVERS in THE WORLD. And the man has LIVED in FOREIGN and SUPPORTED PAN for DECADES.

So I think that he is well positioned to be THE EXTERNAL RELATIONS OFFICER FOR PAN.

For the record, there is NOBODY in TRINIDAD who could serve effectively as an ERO. That is a job for people like MICHAEL SMITH from Boston or JAMMA from London or SALAH from MONTREAL or SALMON CUPID from TORONTO or BUGS from NEW YORK or GLENROY JOSEPH from NEW HAMPSHIRE or BOB DIAZ from New York or ODW or even some EXECUTIVE from WHEN STEEL TALKS  -- ah call CECIL name already.

Now RUSSELL PROVIDENCE is a man who has traveled ALL OVER THE WORLD (three times plus) and he could be a GOOD CANDIDATE. But I prefer somebody who has lived in FOREIGN for a long time.

When BEVERLEY hired DANE GULSTON to be the ERO of PAN TRINBAGO a year ago, it spoke volumes for her utter lack of understanding of the WORLD OF PAN outside of TRINIDAD and TOBAGO. Actually, after her first year in office I will have to modify that last sentence to say OUTSIDE OF TOBAGO.

It is time for THE WORLD GOVERNING BODY OF PAN to develop a WORLD VIEW ON PAN. And that mission begins with hiring an EFFECTIVE EXTERNAL RELATIONS OFFICER -- for STARTERS.

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