And once they get DIAZ and FORTEAU and AQUIL and MENDEZ and JOSEPH and GREGORY to work out an ADMINISTRATIVE TREATY -- they could start building the NEW HEADQUARTERS and ROLLING PANS out of the PAN FACTORY (they need a 1000 good tuners and ME and KEITH DIAZ have a plan for that) and setting up a GLOBAL PAN FORUM and establishing a RECORDING STUDIO dedicated to STEELBAND MUSIC PRODUCTION and NETWORKING with STEELBAND BODIES around THE GLOBE and BOOKING STEELBAND PERFORMANCES at major MUSIC FESTIVALS around the world and administratively SUPPORTING Duvone Stewart and Salmon Cupid as GLOBAL AMBASSADORS FOR PAN and CLEANING UP THE CORRUPTION in PANORAMA with STEELBANDS swapping PLAYERS and giving PAN PLAYERS a VOICE in their OWN ASSOCIATION ....

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  • Plato opined that.. Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge. If this entire scenario wasn't farscial, it would be a joke. One can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life at the Pan HQ  is when the big men of the executive are afraid of the light.
    Bands, players, members of Pan Trinbago are not serious....lest I put it in blunt terms, a fat sheep being led to the slaughter....they are very happy with the status quo of the current executive management and perfectly contented with the organization business being suspended,as it is managed by the High Court and lawyers from the my humble opinion.
    Courage is knowing what not to fear. The General Membership, the highest authority in PanTrinbago are severely compromised  and their collective Ignorance, the root and stem of every evil perpetrated by this entire central executive. The goodly people of the general membership do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while these recalcitrant executive people continue find ways around the laws of natural justice. In politics one may presume that everyone who knows how to get votes knows how to administer an organization such as PanTrinbago.. When we are ill... we do not ask for the handsomest physician, or the most eloquent one.Do we? .
    The measure of these men of the Central Executive is what they have done and continue to do, with power via elected authority...and this entire executive has properly played its hand. One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that one ends up being governed by your administratively bankrupted inferiors. Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something. and it feels as though the bridge of this ship is being governed by fools who have clearly lost their mandate and their way....Truly, as this fish has rotted from its head one can again speculate the heaviest penalty for declining to rule is to be ruled by someone fundamentally flawed to oneself.
    Only the pan ancestors who have transitioned have seen the end of war. I will try to be kind , for everyone I meet on the ground in the mecca is fighting a harder battle one for survival.There are two things that the membership should never be angry at, what they can help, and what they cannot...and right now...with the case being postponed until June 28th, so close to the judicial court recess,....more than likely we will proverbially have to watch the paint dry until Sept 01 to October 31, 2018......Slaves to Panorama one might ask....I ask ..if you put lipstick on a it still a pig..
    Thanks Plato!
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