And once they get DIAZ and FORTEAU and AQUIL and MENDEZ and JOSEPH and GREGORY to work out an ADMINISTRATIVE TREATY -- they could start building the NEW HEADQUARTERS and ROLLING PANS out of the PAN FACTORY (they need a 1000 good tuners and ME and KEITH DIAZ have a plan for that) and setting up a GLOBAL PAN FORUM and establishing a RECORDING STUDIO dedicated to STEELBAND MUSIC PRODUCTION and NETWORKING with STEELBAND BODIES around THE GLOBE and BOOKING STEELBAND PERFORMANCES at major MUSIC FESTIVALS around the world and administratively SUPPORTING Duvone Stewart and Salmon Cupid as GLOBAL AMBASSADORS FOR PAN and CLEANING UP THE CORRUPTION in PANORAMA with STEELBANDS swapping PLAYERS and giving PAN PLAYERS a VOICE in their OWN ASSOCIATION ....
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