I always go checking around the internet to see if any TRINIS are making any WAVES with STEELBAND MUSIC and reaching the mainstream press. The other day I ran in to this article which let a skeleton out of the closet for the whole world to see. Although, being a CENTER-RIGHT American, I doubt that that many people read the HUFFINGTON POST.
bugs: Foreign MUSICIANS have been using SOCA and PAN for decades. Especially in COMMERCIALS.
TRINIS are always out there catching MALKADEE how "WE SO TALENTED!!!" "WE SO TALENTED!!!"
I want to see "THE TRINIS on the WORLD STAGE" playing "WE SOCA" and "WE PAN" -- don't they say is: "WE TING!!!"
patrick ramdoo, ah know yuh feel ah-how after watching the video of Rising Stars in St Thomas, everybody else take the steelband and running with it, all Trini left with is ah "broken dream"
PATRICK RAMDOO: You could start working on a PROJECT to BRING A BAND ON THE ROAD ON CARNIVAL MONDAY -- you have PLENTY TIME until Carnival 2018!!!
Claude your concussion kicking in big time. Look your review right here https://whensteeltalks.ning.com/forum/topics/soca-and-steel-pan-to-t...
Interesting article