When I was growing up in TRINIDAD in the SIXTIES -- SILVER STARS was my FAVOURITE STEELBAND. And even today, when I am driving down THE HIGHWAY and I play some SILVER STARS MUSIC from the SIXTIES -- nostalgic tears does come to meh eyes. So I would stay that I am a SILVER STARS SUPPORTER ... and it have plenty TRINIS around the world who share that time and sentiment with me.
But when LIAM TEAGUE and MARCUS ASH allow that band to get knockout and come next to last in THIS PANORAMA (like the tune or NOT) -- ah have to go listen to the performance and see where things are with THE ONLY STEELBAND to ever TOUCH MY HEART MUSICALLY!!!
Well all you have to do is to look at MARCUS ASH standing on the left side of your screen and see how DISINTERESTED he is and you could come to your OWN CONCLUSION.
As LORD BLAKEY sang many years ago: SOMETHING WRONG!!!