First of all, leh me explain CECIL to allyuh. Cecil Hinkson is NOT A CONFRONTATIONAL PERSON so he is always looking for a CIVIL and CALM way out of CONVERSATIONS. I never met the man; I never talk to the man -- I would guess that he does not LIKE TO ARGUE with people.

So when the man comes on A FORUM, he just wants to TALK ABOUT PAN and ENJOY THE DISCOURSE and state his AGENDAS and HOPE FOR A BRIGHT FUTURE FOR PAN.

A man like that WILL ALWAYS BELIEVE in BEVERLEY and support her and WISH HER THE BEST because he is only SEEING GOOD FOR PAN. So it not so much that he is GIVING BEVERLEY BAD ADVICE or SIDING WITH BEVERLEY.

It is just that when he gets among BEVERLEY SUPPORTERS (on the FACEBOOK SITE) -- he might tend to go along with them rather than FIGHT THEM because this CONFRONTATIONAL TING is not in his PERSONA ... and as much as ah PAN LOVER that he is -- he just wants to keep the CHAT and the TOPIC going.

You could contrast him with VALENTINE YOUNG who does not care who he UPSETS -- he is MAKING HIS POINT BOLDLY. And he will stand his ground til thy KINGDOM COME.

So ah doh want NOBODY blaming CECIL HINKSON for GIVING BEVERLEY BAD ADVICE. The man just has the BEST INTEREST OF PAN PROGRESS AT HEART. And sometimes yuh does have to contradict yuhself or take positions that you don't quite agree with to survive on these PAN FORUMS.

Furthermore, Cecil cannot influence BEVERLEY (give her bad advice) because she gets her SELF-IMPORTANCE and EGO NOURISHMENT by having EVERYBODY come to her and FIGHT FOR HER EAR. That makes her feel REALLY IMPORTANT. So she might listen to CECIL now and then the TREASURER or GREGORY LINDSAY come five minutes later and CECIL INPUT wipe out.

THE PRESIDENT does not have a GOOD PAN COMPASS so she is just blowing directionless in the wind. All that really matters to her is that SHE IS THE PRESIDENT OF PAN TRINBAGO.


Cecil, boy!!! If ah read yuh wrong come and correct meh!!! But ah doh like BUGS blaming you for all OF BEVERLEY'S FAILINGS!!!

And in the MIDDLE OF ALL THIS the BEVERLEY BACKERS jumping up SKY HIGH celebrating the GREAT SUCCESS they had last night. Ah wonder if BUGS really tell the truth when he say that BEVERLEY almost cry when she see the EMPTY STANDS. After the ERO and the TREASURER and BERTEL GITTENS give THE WOMAN basket and tell she that TRINIDADIANS will come out by the THOUSANDS for a SINGLE PAN FINALS IN NOVEMBER. But dem fellahs eh have NOTHING TO LOSE and POOR BEVERLEY -- such DREAMS of being THE GREATEST PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF PAN TRINBAGO. Watching her dreams turn to ASHES.

But doh blame CECIL HINKSON for that!!!

THIS PAN PROGRESS TING IS DOOMED for any number of other reasons outside of advice from CANADIAN CECIL!!!

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  • Claude, I, like you doh give ah rats ass what others think of me, with that in mind I voice my opinion and let the chips fall where it may. It is powerful when you learn to love everybody, it frees' you of all the negative shit that weigh down your spirit, I try my best not to get sucked into negative stuff and will walk away and disengage to protect self.

      Beverley is a VISIONARY, people like this has to be strong willed, otherwise outsiders interfere with their vision. The show turned out  nicely, don't know if they made money but it has potential. On to the Small Bands.

    • President Beverley Ramsey says impeach me if you can...only me can FIX this.


      Phase ll - Clear De Way

      Steelband Panorama Finals 1998

  • Bugs, yuh correct kawhi leonard  leaving mash meh up real bad, ah cyah tink straight, but Pan Trinbago still had ah nice single pan show, cud be the best ever, but who checkin, they might not have made any money but I believe the potential is there, now on  to the small.

    • POTENTIAL for a single pan show in 2020? Maybe in 1950. No way in 2020. 

      Who wants to see this?

      Why would you want to see this?

      Where would you want to see this?

      When would you want to see this?

      It appears from the lack of attendance dem children couldn't even get their parents to come to the event. 

      Cecil all these single pan bands should be on the road for carnival. No place else. 

      Cecil you need to warn the Bev that she is on the road to buying another "bus" with the small bands Panorama if she can't answer the who, why, when and where questions.


      • Bugs you could talk till yuh tongue turn blue and fall out...The Vee Pee of Pan Trinbago has been the winning arranger for the last three years and the Single Pan show will go on...Even if it kills us...

  • Cecil not the same since he lost kawhi leonard.

    Where is the ANALYTICS that says this event had a remote chance of being successful?

    I notice Pan Trinbago promote the event everywhere but on the largest online steelband community. Who is the genius who put that marketing move in action. Clearly, the lack of attendance shows they don't have any ground game.

    The math says if you don't promote an event like Panorama on WST you are looking to fail.  Look at the size and diversity of WST facebook and other sites compare to the others.  These people MADD.  Who paying for this "Bus" again?


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