Trinidad Newsday

National Carnival Commission (NCC) Winston “Gypsy” Peters made a quick run for the exit yesterday when confronted by irate regional Carnival representatives, upset by the significantly less subvention received for their celebrations of the greatest show on earth.
Just about $1 million – the first tranche of about $2 to $3 million allocated regional Carnival – was disbursed yesterday to over 50 regional carnival bodies at a ceremony at the NCC’s VIP lounge at the Grand Stand in the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain.
No one was pleased with the allotments, some slashed by almost 50 per cent from the year before. Faces that entered the lounge beaming with expectant smiles at the start of the ceremony were transformed into glum, resigned frustration when people opened their envelopes and looked at their cheques.
And they let Peters know, heading straight for him at the head table as soon as the event was over. Overwhelmed, Peters called out to an assistant to help him escape the room.