Once CARNIVAL DONE and everybody DONE CUSSING THE JUDGES for TEEFING -- they will hypocritically return to cussing KEITH DIAZ and begging for CHANGE in PAN TRINBAGO -- until NEXT PANORAMA.
Where are you Gregory Lindsay? 40,000 EXPATS coming home for CARNIVAL -- line up about 2000 and march on the PT office (and let them FOLLOW THE LEADER LEADER) ... what kinda REVOLUTIONARY puts down his GUNS for Carnival so he could JUMP UP and WINE and too tired on ASH WEDNESDAY MORNING to shoot down the PRESIDENT.
Thanks Claude for keeping the forum (at least) on point. "When carnival come and pass . . ."
My concern is where are the voices of the managers, captains and other leaders of the many steelbands in Trinidad and Tobago? Why aren’t they ALL standing in support of the cause of their pan players? Pan players don’t play as soloists in Panorama.
Why is there silence on the part of many pan tuners and arrangers? Or did I miss something? For several years arrangers have been complaining about adjudication and other issues related to Panorama. This seems to be the appropriate time to bring all their concerns to table.
Boogsie for one has been voicing his dissatisfaction with the Pan Trinbago leadership over the years and should be complemented for taking a stand. http://www.panonthenet.com/tnt/2011/tunes/do_something.htm.
ALL the stakeholders in the steelband movement should be standing "shoulder to shoulder" with pan players in their struggle against the exploitative practices of the shrewd Diaz administration.
For example, take the flippant lawsuit filed against the NCC. Did Pan Trinbago expect the NCC to keep the gate receipts collected?? I wonder who is paying the fees of the attorneys who represented Pan Trinbago.
This is just another example of improper use of the organization's resources and abuse of the Pan Trinbago’s Constitution. They should be made to pay out of their pockets for the lawsuit instead of continuing to waste money which could be put to more relevant use in advancing the art form.
The lawsuit is part of diversionary tactic to avoid paying pan people their monies in a timely manner after Panorama. Lets see how long they'll kick this can down the road. The only people who win in these situations are the Lawyers.
These two groups has had a good working relationship for years, what's the big deal in accepting the line Minister's recommendation on the gate receipts. They had no problem with the Ministries approach in handling their business problems before. In fact they were defending the process "coming up short" on players remittance in 2016...check out the video tape @ 4:12.
Press Conference 2016
When you on a trip and you reach halfway you often stop for a drink or to enjoy the scenery. You might also go off road to experience something magical just off the beaten path.
Then you get back in your can and continue the journey.
Don't worry after Panorama the s#!t will start again.
golden handskae
national award
line up line up
CORRECT IS RIGHT!!!!! Gregory, get serious, this is no JOKE!!!!
The movie is not over. That resort called Club Jail awaits Rolly Polly and his gangstas. The world is watching.