There was an assumption on the FORUM that RUSSELL was a PAN TRINBAGO SPY and that he was actually Michael "Scobie" Joseph pretending to be some character named RUSSELL PROVIDENCE. And that exchange kept swirling around the forum -- but I did not buy it. And a lot of the CIP people thought that I should join in the attacks against him under that false assumption. But I knew that Michael Joseph could not write like that so I was interested in watching RUSSELL PROVIDENCE turn up more of his cards.
Then ODW went and posted the video showing that there was indeed a REAL PERSON named RUSSELL PROVIDENCE who was PART OF THE PAN WORLD. That is when I tried to make it clear that THE CIP were going down the wrong road because RUSSELL PROVIDENCE was indeed RUSSELL PROVIDENCE and not a spy from PAN TRINBAGO nor was he Michael "Scobie" Joseph disguised as some made up character named RUSSELL PROVIDENCE.
I considered expressing my views on THE WRITINGS of RUSSELL PROVIDENCE but I withheld my hand because I wanted to hear some more from him. Plus I have seen people get chased off this forum for DISSENTING views and I don't agree with SMALL MINDEDNESS!!!
Claude, the PRO's articles come across as the rantings of a mad man so it was obvious from the start that Russell was not Scobie undercover nor a Pan Trinbago spy as Russell is extremely articulate in his postings. I'm glad that Russell has shown his passion. If members of the forum don't like his writings, don't read them!
If Russell and others really love the Steelband/Pan they should continue posting their views because we are at a point where strong dialogue is needed, the more people vent I believe solutions will emerge. What's important is we are having D TALK.