I want to apologize to all the readers and posters on the forum for providing incorrect information relating to the debt incurred by PAN TRINBAGO under President Keith Diaz. For years I have stated that the PAN TRINBAGO debt is FIVE MILLION DOLLARS ($5,000,000). This was erroneous reporting!!! PAN TRINBAGO is now FOURTEEN MILLION DOLLARS in debt -- $14,000,000!!!
Those who live in glass houses ought not to throw stones....as highly elected office holders in this movement,.they ought to know better....but in reality as Winston Churchill once opined, "Power corrupts...and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Plenty plenty more shall be unfolding.....the evidence appears not to be circumstantial...every story have 3 sides...the defendant version, the appellant version and de God-awful truth...
I suppose that NCC Chairman & Accountant are watching; TT Customs & Excise watching, GORTT Ministers of Culture; Finance; and Foriegn Affairsand the Hon. Dr. PM also watching,...TTPS Fraud Squad, British Scotland Yard, and Interpol may also be watching....
.I will leave it right there for now...and continue to pray for and hold on tight to my beloved national instrument......coming from out of this dark time.,.into the light
Heavily underestimated! Wish we could see audited reports, only those can validate what there is. Nice of you to have made a charming guess, but that does not clear the air of corruption, of course.
Well -- I was correct when it was FIVE MILLION; but as Byron Serrette said: Things seemed to escalate in the last two years. All told: we are well over $20,000,000 and bankrupt.
Over NINE MILLION ($9,000,000) is still owed to Local Bands for the ICP event.
Yuh doh want to see that report -- it will break your heart!!!
Glad you caught my sarcasm!!!
Señor Gonzales:
I read recently where the Ministry of Culture and the Arts is looking closely at Pan Trinbago following allegations of questionable financial transactions and growing debt.
I trust “looking closely” implies having a financial audit performed on the organization. It’s not just merely a good idea that one be done; but, it should be mandatory.
A comprehensive financial audit can reveal if a system of checks and balances were employed and if generally accepted accounting principles were adhered to. Such an audit will also shed light on who acted irresponsibly, who were derelict in performing their duties, and who consequently should be held accountable.
Look! Pud anuder way, it go show if "bobol" was involved and if anybody teef.
Charge the guilty parties with making restitution, and as I believe you have said, “outfit them wid orange jumpsuits”. LoL Yuh eh easy, nah. LoL.
why are u surprised
it should have been in us$$