It is TRUE that DOCTOR DOLLY delivered a STAGGERING BLOW to the GUT OF PAN IN THE MECCA not so much by BLANKING them from THE BIG CARIFESTA STAGE but more so with her PUNCH LINE which was really the ESSENCE OF THE TRINIDAD EXPRESSION and dug deep into the insecurities of the STEELBAND MOVEMENT.

But which TRINIDADIAN (who did not come to Trinidad on a boat) never heard that DISTANCING from PAN MUSIC before?

It was a shame to see BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE still trying to WIN POINTS with PAN PLAYERS by attacking DR. DOLLY even on a day of PRAYER in the CHURCH -- SHAMELESS. And the VICE PRESIDENT who has not uttered a word in PUBLIC in 10 MONTHS suddenly appearing and PILING ON on DOCTOR DOLLY for speaking a TRUTH which HALF OF TRINIDAD BELIEVES.




And an ERO who needs to be replaced ASAP. How is he going to coordinate WORLD STEELPAN DAY? As bugs and odw like to say: There are little 12 year-old children on the internet who could run that project GLOBALLY without missing SOCCER PRACTICE or SUMMER CAMP

(Look, RUSSELL PROVIDENCE came and exposed their failed efforts with the TOBAGO PANORAMA and NOTHING BUT SILENCE from BEVERLEY and the ERO and the VICE PRESIDENT and the MISSING ERO.)

So I am urging BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE and PAN TRINBAGO to stop trying to SCAPEGOAT Doctor Dolly and turning her into THE VILLAIN OF PAN and MOVE ON. Especially when BEVERLEY knows that she has to put her tail between her legs and privately apologize and BEG DOCTOR DOLLY for MONEY FOR PANORAMA starting NEXT MONTH.

DOCTOR DOLLY love PAN as much as all HER CRITICS out there. She just happens to know that in T&T there are TWO SIDES to the PAN COIN.

(Allyuh know how much time DOCTOR DOLLY spend driving her own daughter to STEELBAND PRACTICE for years in the middle of her HECTIC PROFESSIONAL SCHEDULE? And people who never lift a finger to support PAN and who never did or never will send a $ to Trinidad to support PAN want to cry down this LADY for SPEAKING A CULTURAL TRUTH?)

STOP trying to beat that DEAD NO-PAN CARIFESTA horse, BEVERLEY, and let us MOVE FORWARD!!!

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  • Moving Forward...

    This could be the band to beat for National Junior Panorama (Secondary School) Competition 2020. "Iron Love" between Doctor Dolly and President Beverley. We LOVE we PAN...

    Bishop Anstey - Iron Love

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