All he needs is a good American Music Producer and a good American Sound Engineer and they could really create some polished TONES. I will even give him permission to add a little bit (just a TAD) of his LIVE PAN. But I will have to put the reins on him because he has a tendency to OVERPLAY the PAN. And the CD is not going to be about HIS PAN SKILLS but rather about creating the right TONALITY to reach global audiences.

They just have to make the right SONG SELECTION and integrate the PAN TONES into the conventional instruments with the right balance and musical flair and we will land smack in the middle of the GLOBAL MUSIC SCENE.

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  • Being part of PHASE 2, the samples used most probably are from de PHASE.

  • Johann Cuckaree has got the PACKAGE!!!

    He studied music!!! He understands today's technology as you can see from the videos posted!!! He plays the PIANO!!! He has a history of DISPLAYED SKILLS with the PAN!!! He knows how to SPEAK, READ and WRITE ENGLISH!!! He is humble and has SOCIAL SKILLS!!! He is YOUNG!!! He is GREGARIOUS!!! He clearly has a PASSION FOR PAN!!! And I can read HIS PAN AMBITION from thousands of miles away.

    He could walk into a studio with the right AMERICAN MUSIC PRODUCER and produce a CD every bit as good as Tracy Thornton is going to do with his ROCKERS -- with a wider audience -- but he will need some coaching from some PROGRESSIVE THINKING EXPAT PAN LOVERS. That is one of the BIGGEST BARRIERS for the LOCALS ... Johann is sitting on a PAN GOLD MINE and does not even know it!!!

    So he could be the GLOBAL AMBASSADOR FOR PAN!!! And he could drag MIA along with him on HIS TOURS and bring her along -- STAR WISE.

    She is a little bit GREEN -- but Johann is RIPE for today's GLOBAL MUSIC INDUSTRY!!!

  • You are correct Johann is in the right place to bring a CD.

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