Don't go doling out sympathy for Gregory Lindsay on this forum; he is not as innocent as he is coming on this forum and pretending to be. POWER went to the man's head and he thought he could dethrone KEITH DIAZ and take control of the ONE HUNDRED AND TEN MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR that is spent on PAN TRINBAGO.
If allyuh doh believe, check out all the reports and you will see he had his whole CABINET and PRESIDENT hand-picked and lined up to take control of PAN TRINBAGO under the guise of REPRESENTING PAN MEN and keeping the same OLD BEAT going on.
Now bugs say that them fellahs in Trinidad does read this forum. But I don't believe that! Because how many times and for how many years have I warned and praised KEITH DIAZ as one of the greatest politicians in the world. (Look how he just swing things back from DOCTOR DOLLY and getting his hand in the GATE RECEIPTS POT again -- after all that exposure on his corruption.) Somebody could have given Gregory Lindsay a little warning and tell him that it have ah fellah on WST who been saying for years that KEITH DIAZ is the greatest politician in the world so we better doh carry no MOLOTOV COCKTAIL to no NUCLEAR WAR, eh.
But all is not lost, Mr. Lindsay. I am suggesting that you continue the war with Mr. Diaz in cyberspace. I know that INSTANT GRATIFICATION is a Trini penchant. But if you implement my program, it will work in due course. So I suggest that you set up a website called KEITHDIAZISATHIEF.COM and run a continuous day to day campaign against KEITH DIAZ exposing all the corruption that has been going on and will be continuing to go on in Pan Trinbago.
You got Beverley and Keith Simpson and Byron Serrette and the next two who resigned recently who could provide a year's worth of dirt on the CORRUPTION IN PAN TRINBAGO. I don't live in Trinidad and I have no idea about the FACTS IN THIS CASE (Keith Diaz might just be the MOST HONEST MAN in the whole world) but WAR IS WAR and we could fight this man down to the ground with this website. Now I know that PAN MEN do not have ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS so I would advise you to go down central and hire some little Indian Boy to set up the website for you. After that all you have to do is type in your articles and post a few pictures.
As I was saying, I don't live in Trinidad and I don't know fact from fiction down there, but I will volunteer to contribute a FAKE NEWS COLUMN on your website. FAKE NEWS is the BIG THING; the NORM now so we could go with that.
From a GLOBAL PLATFORM we calling on the PRESIDENT of T&T and MINISTERS OF GOVERNMENT (we leaving out Doctor Dolly because like she fraid KEITH DIAZ). We calling on the DPP and we are bombarding all the newspapers and radio stations and TV stations with PRESS RELEASES on a daily basis until the cry gets so loud that KEITH DIAZ will be forced to step down. Or for the first time in the history of Trinidad since 1956 the police are forced to step in and lay some charges against their own kind.
Once you get started, I will step in and make sure that every newspaper or tabloid or gossip site (even BUZZFEED) in the English Speaking World (We could even throw in Sweden and Germany and China and Russia for good measure) hears about this TRAVESTY in TRINIDAD and TOBAGO where one KEITH DIAZ is stealing MILLIONS OF DOLLARS from some exploited PAN MEN and the world is sure to come to YOUR rescue.
Now this is a shame! Because I would rather put out an equivalent effort taking WORLD CLASS STEEBAND MUSIC around the GLOBE. But we just cannot sit and watch KEITH DIAZ continue to steal another 31 MILLION DOLLARS from PAN MEN over the next SIX YEARS while the GOVERNMENT OF T&T continues to hand the money over to him without any concern for the CORRUPTION.
Dr. deLight: After all the respect I have shown you on this forum you are leading a coup to stifle my freedom of expression on this site. From now on ah calling yuh PETER. No more deference to your HIGHLY HARBOURED MIND!!!
Gulston and Lindsey may be seen like the Bowie and Crockett of the Almo in the future. They may not have won this battle, but history may look very favorable on them. They be seen as playing a pivotal roles in winning the war against Rolly Polly and the Evil Empire.
You have to respect Gregory and Dane for what they did it took balls, but let it be know that no one is going to have an easy time removing Diaz and Forteau, they will fight to the end, that's their livelihood and they don't have any intentions of giving it up.
If they do a variation of my "internet take down" (tailored to their own local style) I am sure that could get enough eyes and enough voices raised (locally and globally) to stop the CORRUPTION. Go back and read the old newspapers and you will see that Gergory Lindsay has been battling with Forteau over power since 2012. So is not like he (Gregory) did not know what he was facing.
Ah see dem INDIAN fighting over CHUTNEY and calling in the PRIME MINISTER to intervene. But dey eh fighting over CORRUPTION and STOLEN FUNDS, eh. Dey fighting over the INTEGRITY of the CHUTNEY MUSIC.
PAN MUSIC is not even getting a molecule of discussion in PAN TRINBAGO or in STEELBAND YARDS or even on this forum (outside of those purely Trinicentric and maniacal PANORAMA OFFERINGS). CORRUPTION is the central focus in the STEELBAND WORLD.
Again I must ask: WHERE IS THE MUSIC?
But we don't have to worry about PAN MUSIC in Trinidad when we have JOHNATHAN SCALES and VICTOR PROVOST representing the music to WORLD for us.