Now -- usually -- I let MY FRIENDS PICK ME!!! But I decided to BEFRIEND Marcus Ash even if he  was NOT GOING TO PICK ME!!!

Ah think me and MARCUS ASH have ah REAL VIBE!!!

So when allyuh making up allyuh list of CORRUPT EASTERN REGION REPRESENTATIVES -- doh put MARCUS ASH NAME in that!!!

Now them TWO OTHER FELLAHS name allyuh calling -- ah going and check on them and I will come back with my report!!!


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  • Thanks Claude. And I fear say the 2 others (1 male and 1 female) just as innocent of corruption during the last 3 years as well because it didn't even have any money to tief.

    But anyway, I'm enjoying the allegations  (which you know I WILL address) so let them have their fun now...

    • So Marcus

      What makes your team more qualified to run Pan Trinbago than the Pan Patriots? And please don't leave anything out. Too much is at stake here.


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