And I would never have ever jumped on the "deLight bandwagon" because Dr. deLight and I are as  OPPOSITE as NIGHT and DAY. I would not get into OUR DIFFERENCES here and now.

So I am at this moment headed to the CIP CEMETERY to dance on their grave and not forgive them for those ERRONEOUS CONCLUSIONS -- about jumping on the RUSSELL PROVIDENCE BANDWAGON!!!

But I am a SUPPORTER OF RUSSELL PROVIDENCE!!! And I even think that I understand his PROJECT better than him!!!

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  • mr. claude all you need now is a flag with a balisier on it. As i say that, Mr. Gosign tune is a good one. well crafted double-entendre song. congrats to him.

    • Aquil: Despite all the OLE TALK, me and meh ENGLISH LADY FRIEND vex with you because we hear that RUSSELL PROVIDENCE sending you all kinda LOVE NOTES.

      And when ME and INGRID ask you for your NUMBER/You give we ah NEGATIVE ANSWER!!!

      Ah tell yuh AH LOVE CALYPSO. I eh in that PAN TING/ah hear it does MASH UP YUH HEARING!!!

      • Claude, I know that Aquil wants to add me to his list of wives .... I may just leave him at the altar to prove a point - LOL, LOL, LOL

        • ha, I am half indian you know, living in trinidad. i say no more. so be careful with my heart.  

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