1. If focusing on women's role in pan isn't sexist, why is the focus on Afro-Trinidadians' roles considered racist?
2. If highlighting Japenese and other "non-Black" foreigners, is not considered racist, why is the highlighting of Afro-Trinidadians "racist"?
3. How does crediting Afro-Trinidadians as the "inventors" of pan, equate to saying that ONLY they should "own", "play", or "be honored" for their contributions, when crediting Americans for inventing the aeroplane, is not taken to mean that only US citizens should fly?
4. Why am I "Black", but golfer, Vijay Singh is "Caucasian", even though he has a darker skin complexion than me? (Look up the definition of "Caucasian". Any dictionary.)
5. What did certain sectors of Trinidad society mean by "Is We Time Now!", on Kamla Bissesar's victory? Why didn't ALL women (of all "races") voice the same emotions (on the first woman becoming Prime Minister)? Do people identify more with their ethnicity, than with gender? (Seems so, to me.)
6. Do you agree or disagree (and why) with the following statement, made by Consol General Radrawatee Nan Ramgoolam: "Too many of our youths are without positive mentors...celebrating great persons in our past and present will offer a point of reference...If you don’t know yourself, no one will know you..."?
7. In reference to the previous question, isn't that what PM Kamla Bissesar also said was her reason for visiting India, her "Grand Motherland", and that her "roots" are the source of her strength, and made her who she is today? Why isn't it "nationalism" or "racism" or "discrimmination", when an East Indian continues in their traditions from India, but considered such, when "Blacks" attempt to do the same with their "Motherland"?
8. Afro-Trinbagonians, have embraced East Indian culture as their own, I mean, eat your roti and doubles, celebrate in your Pagwa and Eid, burn goat skin at your Hoosay, watched your Mastana Bahar, chip to your Chutney, included your tassa in our music, watched your English-subtitled movies on Sunday, love your women, befriend your men, and support your leaders. What have East Indians done to show that they appreciate our cultural African contributions? (And don't tell me pan, calypso, and Carnival doesn't come to mind. Prooves who we identify with them, doesn't it?)
9. Speaking of chutney, would you agree or disagree, that (for the most part) the lyrics promote hazzadous behavior, such as alcoholism and promiscurity,and why is chutney so laden with such lyrical content? Could this be associated with cultural mores?
10. If East Indians (as a group),see "Blacks" as equal citizens, then why is it that (historically), they have favored Caucasians overwhelmingly over any other ehtnic group, and especially Canadians when choosing a mate from the North American continent?
11. Do you consider Dr. Velu Annamalai's "testimony" as credible, exposing how Hinduism looks at skin color, and what their holy scriptures say about "black" skin, or is he lying? (For those of you who checked out the video clips. Hey, it's on you tube, other sensible are viewing and becoming informed. If you are Hindu, you should, at least, know what is out there about your religion. Just my opinion.)
12. Do you agree or disagree with Tim Wise, that "Race Does Matter." Why?
13. Did you view the video clip "Black Africa - The Seed of The Human Family Tree", and if not why?
14. If you viewed the above-mentioned clip, do you (or don't you) believe this DNA scientific study's results to be credible, and why?
15. Why isn't there an equal amout of public holidays for African festivals, as ther are for East Indian festivals? Also, why aren't there more ethnic food resturants of African culture, to match those of Chinese and East Indian cultures? (Don't get me worng, I enjoy food. Period!)
16. Does ANYONE consider these words wise or spiritual: "The law of karma is real. What goes around comes around. If you are white and enslave black people, your next life the table will be turned around. You will take birth as a bl:ack man who will then be enslaved by whites who you enslaved in your past life. .."? (Talk about putting your foot in your mouth. Right, Terry?)
17. Speaking of Terry, he stated that, "In Trinidad there are no racism between African and Indian. The difference are in the culture - one race save their money and the other spend what they do not have.". Do you agree or disagree, and why? How is that statement any different from saying the Afro-Trinbagonians can "beat pan, we beat book..."? (To me, they are equally as offensive, racist, and stereotypical. I can imagine the assumptions when you add dreads, like I have. That's why I declare my credentials, it's NOT to boast, but to kill the stereotype. I beat books, too!)
18. EXACTLY what offends or disturbs you, when race and racism become topics, and why? Whould you prefer if race was NEVER a discussion, and why? (Not saying I will end the discussion; I think it actually has just started, and people's true feelings about each other will begin to show, as Terry Samuel did. Thanks, Terry.)
19. If, as Terry agrees, that "the difference is culture", then why adopting the same cultural principles that East Indians use - their identity with India and to Indian culture, down to visiting "cousins" in the "Grand Motherland" - is so discoraged, and met with more emotional opposition? Shouldn't "Black" take heed in such "cultural differences".
20. In relation to the above question, should the fact that East Indians were not slaves, kept their culture (names, religion, family unit, foods, etc.), and Afro-Trinbagonians were not, be considered when passing judgement as to why one group succeeds while the other fails? Isn't that proof that for "Blacks", identifying with Africa and African culture is the ONLY way for them to (also) succeed?
21. If I "fell off tomorrow, would you still" hate me? Are you mad cause I'm asking you 21 Questions
(Just kidding. How you feel about me is your choice; me I love my BLACK, AFROTRINIDADIAN SELF!)
Have a great day, ALL! Hotep (Peace)