The CIP is looking to influence 60% of 180 STEELBANDS and they are claiming to have BROAD SUCCESS. Which means that they have access to THOUSANDS of PAN MEN.

So how come they cannot select 20 men and bring them on this forum every morning loaded with ammunition against KEITH DIAZ (and his enablers) until they force a political response from the GOVERNMENT. I mean look at the damage that KEITH DIAZ is doing to PAN TRINBAGO (and the ex-education officer -- Withfield Weekes -- just came up with a SHORT LIST in his letter to the editor).

This WST forum is a forum where you could come on under a sobriquet -- so what's to fear from the Government or PAN TRINBAGO?

KEITH DIAZ is a REAL POLITICIAN so you can't be playing MICKEY MOUSE politics against him and telling me that your GLASS IS HALF FULL.

Come on Gregory and Aquil let's get serious and step up the game.

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  • What the hell is this? Aquil and merrytonestothebone had a SECRET MEETING yesterday and merrytonestothebone hug up the man and serve him drinks and ting in the PAN YARD. Ah wonder if merrytonestothebone CONVERT to CIPISM now.

    All Aquil have to do now is have a SIT DOWN with Russell Providence and the next thing you know the CIP ARMY get so big that KEITH DIAZ decide he eh fighting all dem fellahs at once and he STEP DOWN.

    It looks like the REVOLUTION IS ON!!! Ah really did not see all that coming in my crystal ball!!!

    • ha, i done you about those scratch marks on the crystal ball, it have the images cloudy. 

  • I am taking those criticism in good spirit. We can only we can only improve with the suggestions that is be articulated. Thank you.

    I meet Mr. Merry tones yesterday in person and it was my pleasure. I have even a Greater respect for him now. Just by the way he greeted me It shows his maturity and the maturity of members on the forum. even doh we don't  agree on issues, we don't have to be disagreeable. Thank you Mr. merry tones .

    • 2959988257?profile=original

  • Aquil has demonstrated to me over and over again that he has no political or administrative game, as he is not even in possession of  some of the necessary fundamentals required to play "THE ADMINISTRATIVE GAME". He has talent, he has potential, and if he humbles himself, and submits himself to proper guidance, and exploits his niche, the sky could be his limit. Pele, with all his skill never attempted to run football in Brazil, or the world, although he was useful in advancing the sport  globally, and inspiring footballers everywhere.

    Gregory does not command the respect of the majority of  steel band decision makers outside of 14 - 17 Park Street, and may not be able to command the support of the masses.

    The CIP has been able to identify all the problems but seem incapable of suggesting solutions, and that is counter productive in any sphere.

    The CIP is leaderless, clueless, like a ship without a rudder, with no compass or sextant, without a sailor capable of identifying their apparent location from the position of the stars on a clear night. 

  • What's next is for the MINISTER OF CULTURE to stand up and say that she is not going to besmirch her political integrity by serving on a BOARD with a corrupt leader of PAN TRINBAGO. So it is either he resigns or we immediately change the laws regarding PAN TRINBAGO (we are an independent nation, aren't we?) or she STEPS DOWN FROM OFFICE, herself.

    That would be REAL LEADERSHIP!!! In this INTERNET ERA I wonder if they really understand their EXPOSURE!!!


    • Claude, even though I don't have a crystal ball, I know that three things will never happen:  1. Diaz will never resign;  2.  the laws will never change change;  and 3.  she will never step down.  They are not interested in how they are perceive on the Internet.  As long as they are in power, everyone else can suck salt!

  • The point that Diaz is a crook has been established, WHAT NEXT?

  • Claude, as Russell has observed, it doesn't look as if anything substantive has been put in place by the CIP.

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