Here is an ACTION ITEM. During my time on this forum, three SERIOUS PAN DEVOTEES (living in Trinidad) have impressed me with their commitment  and dedication to PAN.

Gerard Clarke, Bertel Gittens and Alima Garcia are LIVING THE PAN DREAM, in my books, making major contributions to THE INSTRUMENT in the MECCA. So, why don't all the PAN LOVERS on this forum get together and nominate these three people for NATIONAL AWARDS recognizing their contributions to the PAN CULTURE.

Do a little bit of searching and you can find all the forms online. This would be a good bridge to establishing some local networks that might lead to some of the primary FORUM AGENDAS.

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  • Claude, there are others in the pan movement who would be more deserving of such other than my good self and those in authority need to make the point on their behalf. Being able to read and respond and sometimes learn or divulge info to other readers on the forum is good enough for me.

    • Okay!!! Mr. Clarke: We will just continue to be AH OLE TALK FORUM which is quite evident. But every so often I like to challenge the OLD TALKERS to FIND A PRACTICAL MISSION.

  • Um! Um!

  • I am the very least of all the candidates for this noble gesture.

    I could name many other folks in Trini that are much more deserving, and besides Claude, this national awards ting will only distract our real focus to do something for our Pan and Culture, urgently in need of our attention.

    A certificate on a wall to watch over time would hardly do what is really required for our Pan culture.

    Let us all on this forum be much more pragmatic.

    Set up a body of worthy pan patriots who will work to bring our steelbands back on the roads, so that our generations to come could learn about the Steelbands and be proud of them.

    There is much to overcome and OLE TALK kyah do that!

  • I would also like to add Mr. Ian Franklin to the list.

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