That seems simple enough for me. They have over 10,000 PAN PLAYERS in TRINIDAD. And they must have at least a MILLION PANS and PAN STICKS ... and the GOVERNMENT does not dictate who could come on the road with WHAT INSTRUMENTS.
So I don't know why people are angsting and dying inside emotionally because more PANS are not on the road for Carnival.
Just like the BIG 5 formed an ISA to promote PAN AND PLAYERS ON THE OUTSIDE -- PAN ON THE ROADERS could form a PAN ON THE ROAD FOUNDATION and push their agenda.
But, to me, from the looks of things (a view of the reality -- and not FANTASY-- on the ground) ... I feel that we PASS THAT STAGE.
merrytones, "we in dat" I love those words. I did mention a Steelband Street Party with a Bomb competition Carnival Monday afternoon, you can't go wrong with this if the prize money is the same as panorama, Sponsors will jump on this like CNN on Trump.
merrytones, money rules the world.
So...if you know that...and unless you plan to address it...what is the point of this discussion? And more than that too...Claude is quite right when he says that ""IF" people wanted pan on the road for Carnival we would have it"...The truth is, the vast majority of Trinis still feel that the freeness is panmen/women birthright...A friend once told me that we should not charge for gigs because "Pan is we culture"...Boy do I have news for all who still think that way!!....
Simply because -- Mr. Morning Glory -- the people in Brooklyn are CULTURALLY FIXATED EXPATS who are stuck in TIMES PAST. (There is an article written by Terry Joseph that marvels at the fixation but I am not about to go dig it up because I have done my share of that on this FORUM and people still want to make a SPACESHIP and go back to the SIXTIES.)
In the MECCA, TIMES HAVE CHANGED beyond the stagnant memory of the EXPATS. Bandits robbing Priest in T&T today. Did that happen when the EXPATS who left TRINIDAD were living there when PAN was rolling on the ground for Carnival with people pushing? I could outline more murderous atrocities but this is not the time and place and people will get upset.
Societies evolve!!! How many times do I have to say that on this forum?
PAN EH NEVER COMING BACK ON THE ROAD FOR CARNIVAL ... not unless allyuh decide to hire me to deliver and REINVENT the past. But every time I plant a seed of progress in that dream -- everybody goes silent.
Anyway, all ah we is one -- so doh stress too much over the OLE TALK!!!
merrytones, I guess you did not see my post about the guilt money Carib, Stag, Heineken, Angostura, Fernandez, WITCO, bmobile has to spend on the steelband, but they must first see unity and a plan.
What guilt money?...These people don't give money anymore...They give Banners and T-shirts only now...At least to bands like mine anyway...
To Keith Diaz.
You know what you know bro...that is no concern of mine...What I know is that I/we are not playing pan for free anymore...well unless another steelband have something and asks a favour...When I last check D.J.s always get paid, drinks always have to be "bought" and show organizers expect a profit of some sort...As far as the road for carnival goes, once there is a competition for us to exploit...we in dat...