Imagine that a TRINIDAD GIRL gets killed in a store on a Monday and the body gets discovered on a Thursday and the supremely competent TRINIDAD POLICE did a CSI on the scene and removed all incriminating evidence. On the following Monday the coroner (I am not going to get into his incompetence right now) decided that the victim was smothered to death and told the police to go back to the crime scene and look for the murder weapon. Lo and Behold the police went back (four days later) and found a bloody towel which the coroner identified as the MURDER WEAPON.
Then the Deputy Police Commissioner comes in a press conference today and compliments the POLICE for their EXCELLENT WORK in solving this crime.
A Japanese girl get kill LAST CARNIVAL and everybody cry for weeks on this forum. (I made it my duty to stay clear of that hypocrisy; well, sentimentality is a softer word.)
Ah Trini girl (native stock) get murdered and the police trumped up false charges to pretend to solve this case and nobody have nothing to say. Take a look at the PERP -- it will make sense if you understand the politics in T&T as well as I do.
So, much more than the failed PAN TRINBAGO ADMINISTRATION, this case could trigger me to become a long-distance political activist.
I would much rather stay on this forum and TALK THE PAN TALK but I love my country and I cannot sit silently and watch this government destroy it!!!
This is why you cannot blame the new kid on the block. the pile of shit has gotten to big for him to sweep with an ordinary broom, he has to start lookin at HEAVY MACHINERY.
1956 to 2016 (minus three five year terms -- roughly) is a YEAR?
Don't forget that this government has only been in power for about a year, it will take a lot of years to fix whats wrong in T&T.