... subsequently, 20.5 MILLION was delivered. In essence, STEELBANDS made a POLITICAL CHOICE and turned their backs on 34.5 MILLION DOLLARS.
Up to today the APPEARANCE FEES for 2019 PANORAMA have not been released to PAN TRINBAGO and the STEELBANDS (and PAN PLAYERS) are suffering as a result -- NOT THE BIG PANORAMA BANDS ... but the SMALL BANDS who voted in the LARGEST NUMBERS for this EXECUTIVE.
So much talk about EDUCATION -- well POLITICAL EDUCATION is critically lacking in the STEELBAND WORLD in TRINIDAD. These same SMALL BANDS kept KEITH DIAZ and FORTEAU in office for 9 YEARS while people were PUBLICLY SCREAMING that KEITH DIAZ was a BAD CHOICE for more than THREE YEARS.
Today, the BEVERLEY ADORATION is doing just as much damage to PAN PROGRESS and PAN PLAYERS are going to wait another 9 years to come to their senses and realize that they are STILL BEING BAMBOOZLED. So they will always be 10 YEARS behind as ALL THINGS PAN TRINBAGO.
VALENTINE YOUNG seems to be the ONLY PAN LOVER who has a clear view of THE PAN PICTURE today. And bugs is like ONE of 10,000 people who are willing to speak out.
Everybody else DRUNK on the BEVERLEY KOOL-AID!!!
... ah know that 4.5 MILLION missing from my presentation. Well, if LAWFORD DUPRES had won the election, instead of THE PNM allocating 20.5 million to BEVERLEY as it did ... THE PLAN was to hand over 25 MILLION under LAWFORD DUPRES!!!
Lord, ah have to EXPLAIN all these POLITICAL MACHINATIONS to ALLYUH!!!