Ingrid: I have been missing your contributions. You did not miss much in the interim. All the CARNIVAL GROUPS are waiting for DOCTOR DOLLY to HAND OVER THE MONEY. The CIP is officially dead. So if they come to you and ask you to put your signature on piece of paper -- don't waste your time.

Bugs and Noah came up with a BLUEPRINT FOR PANORAMA which I hope they will present to the POWERS THAT BE (oh, how I hate that expression). Aquil is a political zombie!!! The real Aquil is buried in the KEITH DIAZ cemetery.

The PRO of PAN TRINBAGO came on the FORUM and called Aquil a "little boy" and the FAT LADY NEVER came to sing.

On an unrelated note (and by now you know that I do hit some UNRELATED NOTES every so often on this forum) the term "HATE CRIME" (a term which I have used fairly often on this forum) surfaced in the TRINIDAD MEDIA for the first time (well that may not be quite accurate since I don't get to read all the articles in the paper). That's going to be a developmental story so hold your horses.

Other than that? Cecil is the HAPPIEST MAN in the world right now. NO STRIKE!!! He is getting his PANORAMA. Not that AQUIL and the CIP ever really had the power to call a strike. But we gave them a platform, anyway.

I am still a little bit hurt that you rejected my LESSONS IN CALYPSO -- but we still good. Yuh is ah GOOD LIMER!!!

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  • Claude:  thanks for the synopsis.  I did try to read all of the various topics.  I have to say I liked a lot of Noah's ideas for Panorama but I did get confused with all the issues relating to the Medium bands.  And you know I am a big RP fan but the historics do sometimes go over my head.  Anyway, it would have been great to lime with you in Trinidad next year but no doubt you are keeping Donald in check - LOL.

    Is it too late to sign up for the Lessons In Calypso course?  I've already signed up for the three Politics courses:  Keith Diaz, Jack Warner and Keith Rowley!!

  • Claude

    Let me make this very very clear to all on this channel here. 

    Some Players have made it very clear where they stand in this struggle.

    I EXPECT players to be getting ready for Panorama 2018. Panorama is Players Christmas..not ham and pastelle. 

    I EXPECT from that PanTrinbago administration..FAILURE as usual....

    Currently the Prize Structure is allocated 43% of the budget; and BANDS assistance and appearance fees allocated 23%; AND PLAYERS allocation is 14%..

    I have personally been in this fight for a large percentage for PLAYERS...for over a year....I want a much larger percentage of the allocation for PLAYERS...... Simple!

    If bandleaders think the revenue is worth the expenditure,...good luck with that.

    His Excellency RolliePollie call me 4 times today....highly highly irregular....I tell him call a meeting and talk to the members and put things to a vote...Get that Crystal Ball serviced so that it remains infallible...we doh want it breaking down when you need it the most..We go see how de ting go go.

    • Gregory: After what happen in ALABAMA tonight I now believe that ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!! So I am ready to JUMP OFF the KEITH DIAZ BANDWAGON and JUMP on the CIP SHIP.

      Ah waiting to see (front row seat) how de ting go go!!! Thanks for the UPDATE!!!

  • Claude,

    You like yuhself boi....Kill me dead you tink I talkin from de and yuh boi RolliePollie....had a nice chat today....Carry de crystal ball to service Claude....

    lest it might short circuit with the information dump coming.......stay tuned

    • Gregory: I like you too bad boy. Yuh doh get vex at nothing I say. And Yuh always handing out the HOPE ROPE to me. But Yuh never deliver on the promises. The CRYSTAL BALL is like THE POPE __ it is INFALLIBLE..

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