
  • Well said Glenroy, I totally agree. aka: Tahzann, aka; Curly.

  • Very interesting points raised.

    it tells us that we have a lot of work to achieve our desired goals.

    However , this was just a first step (hopefully) so we shouldn't be too surprised at some stumbles.

    it just means we have to correct the flaws and work harder next time.

    Sometimes it takes work, effort and  time to succeed in any worthwhile endeavor .

  • A friend of mine from the USA did not have enough cash, he went to buy a ticket at the grand stand only to be told at the booth that it is cash only no credit card so he stayed on the drag. he said they had said before that you can purchase tickets at the gate they did not say Cash only.

    • Aye Bede, that's how yuh find out crooks, they only deal in cash.

      • True trini, ha ha ha 

      • Ha ha ha

      • Good one Cecil!!!

        Yuh doh buy drugs with a credit card and yuh don't pay for a PANTRINBAGO event with a credit card!

  • Surely an interesting article. While one expects an event like this to be totally fluid, one must remember that this is a first and it was quite successful. If one wishes  to offer suggestions, that's fine but to critique to the extreme is unfair.

    Some of the points are well taken. All the bands performed creditably well. I am surprised that the writer never mentioned the stage problem. I'll read the item again and take it on a point by point basis.

    Quite an interesting article by the man from ST. ANNS.

    • So yuh saying the fellah MAD just because he talk about 10,000 people coming in free and the show being way too long and the whole bandied about premise on this forum that the show was a seminal success which should be the basis for a new PANORAMA in AUGUST.

      We going we going we going ST.ANNS. Why we going?

  • Surely an interesting article, one can clearly see that making money was not the primary goal of the people that hosted the ICP, it was a mega PR stunt by Pan Trinbago. I personally don't see this happening again because giving away peoples hard earn tax dollars won't sit too well with them. Like the author of the piece, I too liked the band from France.

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