On Thursday night, the Iowa Steel Bands will perform a mixture of traditional and pop music on bowl-shaped, or steel, drums.
Thursday at 7:30 p.m., the Iowa Steel Bands will perform a selection of percussive steel drum pieces in Voxman.
“We will have three steel bands performing this Thursday,” Visiting Assistant Professor Ben Yancey, the director of the steel bands performing, said in an email to The Daily Iowan. “There’s PanIC [a nonstudent band of members of the community], the All University Steel Band [a beginning band open to all majors], and the Intermediate Steel Band [a more advanced band made up of primarily music majors].”
Steel bands are associated with various countries and Latin American cultures; many in the U.S. have likely not experienced a steel band before. The Iowa Steel Bands seek to change that.
“I believe this concert will give the audience an opportunity to experience another culture through music,” Yancey said. “We do our best to perform at a high level while maintaining a fun atmosphere. For most people, their first steel-band concert is quite the unique and memorable experience.”