Ah man call meh quite from TRINIDAD to ask me how THE CIP so STUPID to believe KEITH DIAZ when he say he stepping down. And then he full up meh cup with all kinda inside information which I had to swear not to repeat on the forum.
But the bottom line is that KEITH DIAZ eh going nowhere which means that PAN in TRINIDAD eh going nowhere. And this is like a TRUMP FORUM -- don't dare remind everybody about the PROMISED AUDIT. Yet everybody talking about what should and should not happen to PAN in the MECCA and the usual OLE TALK.
KEITH DIAZ just produce the best PANORAMA in the history of the 55 events -- so he is the BIGGEST CULTURAL HERO in Trinidad right now. Dem 25 men who line up to take over that job from KEITH DIAZ have ah long wait coming. Plus the battle among them to be the NEXT EMPEROR king will be more bloody than all the GANG WARFARE and Political Criminality I see going on down in that country.
Needless to say I am totally disappointed in the direction they have taken the PANORAMA MUSIC just to win. And I am sure that it will be worse NEXT YEAR.
CALYPSO carry PAN so far and now PAN ditch CALYPSO and gone astray. And I used to think that CALYPSO and STEELBAND was THE CULTURE OF TRINIDAD!!!
Claude, the whole of the country in a different time zone than what I know. I ain't vex becuz I am now foreign and have been exposed to a real wide world. Therefore, I should be the last to comment on their change. So, while they are moving on at their own pace, so too, I am moving on at my own pace. And that is my final answer.
Brenda H.