And let's keep it real for a minute (ah know that when it comes to THE PRECIOUS PANORAMA is all emotions and NO REASONING). But Aquil and Gregory spend the entire year trying to UNSEAT Keith Diaz from his MILLION DOLLAR A YEAR PLUS job -- wouldn't you (if you were Keith Diaz) instruct the judges to make sure and leave that little MF out of the savannah on Sunday?
I would have done so. So I eh blaming KEITH DIAZ at all. And in the middle of all this euphoria over the next two weeks -- who really care about the politics until they band loss on PANORAMA FINALS NIGHT.
The real big fallout from this failed Pantrinbago coup is how GREGORY LINDSAY JUMP SHIP. The man carry Aquil Arrindell up a creek promising him THE PRESIDENCY and sugar and spice. And when they reach way up in the bush and mosquito start to bite, ah helicopter come and pick up Gregory (paddles and all) and carry him right to the PAN TRINBAGO office to beg for forgiveness and make things right for the PANORAMA (renounce satan and all his wicked angels) and leave AQUIL stranded up the proverbial creek without a paddle.
What make things worse for Aquil is that two people on this forum kept telling him to WATCH his back. But the man tell me that I living in foreign and doh know what really going on. And allyuh must have read how many times meh NEW PARDNER warn the man against traitorous soldiers in his army. Meh new pardner even went so far to start writing in LOCAL TWANG hoping to make sure that Aquil understand the TREACHERY he was facing and Aquil still eh understand or take heed.
Now he want to complain how the Keith Diaz stack the judges deck -- any good leader would ah tell dem judges: If allyuh want to get pay after this PANORAMA make sure San City eh show up in the savannah tomorrow, eh.
Stop crying like a little child, Aquil. You are in the BIG LEAGUE of politics. Learn to play or do like dem REPUBLICAN senators and congressmen and STEP OUT OF THE GAME!!! Oh, and choose your friends better the next time around -- do some serious VETTING!!!
i have to love Claude Gonzales yes. lol.....
merry tones hit the nail on the head.....
Mr. Claude you like real shit we. lol....
is a good thing i out of the panorama, i would of miss all this bacchanal ....... not for the world. first read I was thinking that you were too dangerous to be associated I've changed it to you're too funny to be considered a dangerous