It is really hard for me to think about PANORAMA this year with oil sitting around $30.xx a barrel today and flirting with that psychological barrier that could send it crashing down to $25.00 a barrel or even lower. And the Trinidad budget is premised on $45 a barrel; we losing blood every day. It almost looks as if the IMF is going to have to pay the FIRST PRIZE MONEY to ALL STARS in 2017 when they win again.

My only ray of hope for the Trinidad economy is IRAN. I am 100% sure that they will start some major conflict in the MIDDLE EAST and force prices back up between $80 and $100. Dey ent about to sell no oil to the West for $25.00 a barrel now that they are free of sanctions.

So ah following this whole PANORAMA TING this year with a very heart because the deeper the recession the worse the crime scene is going to get and that is a very depressing thought for me.

Maybe Liam might win or a band from south might win. Better yet, PROFESSOR might win. That would certainly cheer me up.

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  • It supposed to be Country First and Culture Second, without Country there is no Culture,

    • Without culture will you not simply adopt someones and destroy yourself?


  • Or Tobago Buccaneers might win, eh! If, I will jump to high heaven. Scary times!

  • In spite of what we see as they say "the show must go on" what type of a show 2016 brings is left to be seen.

    It is unfortunate that no country is insulated against bad politics.

  • Why is Trinidad suffering now? There was a time when Trinidad had it all, however lack of foresight and investments have caused the country to go backwards quickly. It was so refreshing to see products made in Trinidad sold in England and Germany. Cane Sugar; Chief Curry Carib and Stag were some exports of note but the Government failed to capitalize on its good fortune of the time. Carnival was a huge export and tourism however with limited exposure was booming. I remember at Carnival time the Grand Stand full to overflowing with tourist for the king and queen as well as throughout carnival. Hotels booked to full capacity with lots to go around. If Barbados could make something of itself with just Sugar Cane and Tourism, then Trinidad with Oil; Sugar; Spices; Carnival; Pan; Calypso; Soca; Bitumen/Asphalt/Tar; Carib and Stag Beers, could have done wonders for itself. Where has all the money gone?


    • Well said , Mr. Maitland.

  • Claude ah don't want to get you depressed or anything like that, BUT - dey say, if you do things the same way and expect a different result - dat is maddness. So all South bands been playing dat chune  "Maddness for a long time now.

    Not since Cavaliers (and not the one with King Lebron James) come to town with 1000 players or more - so the story goes - has South been a real threat to the Panorama crown. I also heard, that Anthony Williams was real pissed at Cavaliers for that. Hatters is a different band and Professor only get theef one time. Everybody knows you must get teef at least two times before you can win a panorama. So tell Professor to stop the pre-panorama crying.

    Iran and the Texas oilmen are now all good friends, so you can forget an Iran controversy. You might have better luck with Saudi Arabia. 

    The only ray of hope for you is Skiffle. They gone different with the three Americans.  Somehow I don't think south can handle a panorama win brought to them by three young Americans.


    • By-the-Way Ken Professor was cheated twice …. Fire Down Below 1989 and Pan By Storm1990. Everyone who know pan truth will tell you Fonclaire sounded better than Renegades and Phase II IN 1989 BUT BECAUSE THEY PLAYED A Len Boogsie Composition they power that be could not dream of letting him first beat Boogsie and second beat Renegades.

      • Martin that was only half ah teeff in 89


      • Yuh really have to gea teeff 3 times before ah win! Doh mine Bugs!! Let dat!!

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