Inquiring minds would like to know if it is true that pan players have yet to receive pay for their participation in Trinidad and Tobago's Panorama 2016?
If this is true, who is responsible?
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Stop playing smart with foolishness.....All Cabinet ministers reach for the line in their ministries time of crisis....." We have taken a note to Cabinet for the disbursement from the Corporation Sole, aka MOF, acting PM - most of the time....C. Imbert....I want my money....and I want my money now.....Pushing pan in de Carnival with your band,....and mashing meh corn and saying is de shoe we wearing causing it......doh cut it.....On July 02, 2016....PRO Joseph...went de nice route...I commend you for that sir,.......but when exactly we going down the protest route of the old day.....when......Is Steelband month dis month........when it coming........No protest....No money....dats when the trend leads here.....I put it to you if that money is not released in this month of August, and budget time roll over, Crapeaud smoke panman pipe....Disrespect for the national Instrument!...Dustbin time for PanMan....AGAIN...and AGAIN.......what....yuh going an wait till when Carnival hold make we sign paper like CaneFarmers hoping we forget what is owed for 2016.......Hon ..Mr. Imbert.....we want our money and we want our money like Dr. Rowley say NOW!!!!!
Done talk.....Chief Diaz over to you, your Excellency....over to you.....
PAN TRINBAGO is appealing to the Government to pay the rest of their allocation so they can pay their members
At a news conference yesterday, at Pan Trinbago’s head office, Park Street, Port-of-Spain, Pan Trinbago President Keith Diaz said this year, Government approved $30 million for the organisation for Carnival but they only received $25 million
As a result, this has prevented them from paying the players their $1000 performance fee
He said some of the players have taken to social media to complain that Pan Trinbago has refused to pay them but he said it was because they have not received the money.
I still would like to know how many BILLIONS this PNM Government spend on PAN over the years. And these PAN MEN still stretching dey hand begging for MORE MONEY. But in all fairness, Rowley just take 2.5 BILLION from the HSF and he is sending a delegation to the US this summer to borrow FIVE HUNDRED MILLION from US BANKS. So they should run ah lil FIVE MILLION for the PAN MEN for 2016.
22 Tobago bands backward and forward to Trinidad for PANORAMA. Dey eat up all dem Trinidad Pan Man money.
Maybe Tobago should have dey own PANORAMA and just send the best three bands to Trinidad.
And this MINISTRESS OF CULTURE having meeting after meeting for weeks and will not hand over the 5 million. Treating my hero MR.KEITH DIAZ like ah little hungry dog begging for money just because she know how much millions the man done mismanage (it have ah local Trinidad word for "mismanage" but ah forget it). She better make up she mind if she want SWEET MUSIC or WAR. Just yesterday we was talking about dem long time BAD JOHN and the STEELBAND BUSINESS.
It is true. Pan players have yet to receive pay for their participation in T&T's Panorama 2016. Who is responsible? Gov't? PanTrinbago? Who the hell knows? BTW it is rumored that pymts will be made in September 2016. They may have to go to the "Heritage and Stabilization Fund". Pan Players and their supporters are a passive group. They only march on Carnival Monday.? I wonder how long it takes the NY group to pay winners. Pan players' reward is the "joy of participation".
The more things CHANGE the more they stay the SAME...
Lord Nelson - We Like It
Stop playing smart with foolishness.....All Cabinet ministers reach for the line in their ministries time of crisis....." We have taken a note to Cabinet for the disbursement from the Corporation Sole, aka MOF, acting PM - most of the time....C. Imbert....I want my money....and I want my money now.....Pushing pan in de Carnival with your band,....and mashing meh corn and saying is de shoe we wearing causing it......doh cut it.....On July 02, 2016....PRO Joseph...went de nice route...I commend you for that sir,.......but when exactly we going down the protest route of the old day.....when......Is Steelband month dis month........when it coming........No protest....No money....dats when the trend leads here.....I put it to you if that money is not released in this month of August, and budget time roll over, Crapeaud smoke panman pipe....Disrespect for the national Instrument!...Dustbin time for PanMan....AGAIN...and AGAIN.......what....yuh going an wait till when Carnival hold make we sign paper like CaneFarmers hoping we forget what is owed for 2016.......Hon ..Mr. Imbert.....we want our money and we want our money like Dr. Rowley say NOW!!!!!
Done talk.....Chief Diaz over to you, your Excellency....over to you.....
Panorama Payments 2016 - Players
The Steelbands (Pan) of Trinidad and Tobago data Estimates
Unit Players max (Prelims)
Appeared 2016
Total players
Single Pan Steelbands
Small Conventional steelbands
Medium Conventional steelbands
Large Conventional steelbands
@ TT$ 1,000.00 per player
TT$ 10,065,000.00
Here is what appeared in NEWSDAY, 2nd July 2016.
Pan Trinbago wants balance of Govt allocation
Cheers - tobagojo
Pan Trinbago wants balance of Govt allocation...
PAN TRINBAGO is appealing to the Government to pay the rest of their allocation so they can pay their members
At a news conference yesterday, at Pan Trinbago’s head office, Park Street, Port-of-Spain, Pan Trinbago President Keith Diaz said this year, Government approved $30 million for the organisation for Carnival but they only received $25 million
As a result, this has prevented them from paying the players their $1000 performance fee
He said some of the players have taken to social media to complain that Pan Trinbago has refused to pay them but he said it was because they have not received the money.,230000.html
It's sad that pan players have to get paid from the "remainder" of the $30 mil. maybe next time you all should take pan people money off the top.
Cecil: But what yuh think Diaz do? He take pan people money right off the top!!!
this now like a road march every year
we tired of the same thing over and over
I still would like to know how many BILLIONS this PNM Government spend on PAN over the years. And these PAN MEN still stretching dey hand begging for MORE MONEY. But in all fairness, Rowley just take 2.5 BILLION from the HSF and he is sending a delegation to the US this summer to borrow FIVE HUNDRED MILLION from US BANKS. So they should run ah lil FIVE MILLION for the PAN MEN for 2016.
22 Tobago bands backward and forward to Trinidad for PANORAMA. Dey eat up all dem Trinidad Pan Man money.
Maybe Tobago should have dey own PANORAMA and just send the best three bands to Trinidad.
And this MINISTRESS OF CULTURE having meeting after meeting for weeks and will not hand over the 5 million. Treating my hero MR.KEITH DIAZ like ah little hungry dog begging for money just because she know how much millions the man done mismanage (it have ah local Trinidad word for "mismanage" but ah forget it). She better make up she mind if she want SWEET MUSIC or WAR. Just yesterday we was talking about dem long time BAD JOHN and the STEELBAND BUSINESS.