There is a lot more to music than you critics understand music is like the alphabet which has 26 letters,you can use those letters to write happy stories sad stories,mysteries and even science fiction with 26 letters,writers with a good imagination does that with 26 letters . with music there are 7 diatonic notes in the most common music scale and 12 notes in a chromatic scale so please give these arrangers their respect they deserve it takes a lot imagination to create the music they create
Panorama is about drama, excitement, and musicality. One thing it is not is a music festival. That is why the large bands have been disappointing. The only band with any form of drama, excitement, and sweetness is Pan Elders. One of the reasons, perhaps the main reason, is there are no good Panorama tunes in 2017. Soca has done irreparable damage! Kitch, please come back!
39ueshs3kne8m > Lennox ArchibaldFebruary 24, 2017 at 1:04pm
"Panorama is about drama, excitement, and musicality. One thing it is not is a music festival." Very true Lennox.
From where I sit at Renegades' pan yard, I can assure you musicality, excitement and drama will be delivered with clarity and precision as only the exponents of the art can and do.
Cecil hinkson > Lennox ArchibaldFebruary 24, 2017 at 11:09am
Lennox Archibald. 2017 looks like a year of DRAMA.
ritson douglas > Cecil hinksonFebruary 24, 2017 at 12:00pm
Good music is always the focus. Bradley and Zanda leaves some of the phrases in your mind that can be easily remembered the next day. So it's either the judges go for straight Jam or Jam plus music.
music is really a conversation between different instruments and not because you can remember a music phrase or rift makes it good music because it doesn't have to be complex to be good some of best music are very simple with only one chord one bass line and single drum pattern and I am not taking anything away from the great Clive Bradley but you must respect the fact that every Arranger/Composer have there own style of music from Mozart to Miles Boogie to Smooth,Phelan to Grinidge ,Devon to Amrita they all has a different style (formula) music would not be enjoyable if they had the same style of playing you don't have to like their music but give them their dues or go show them how you think it should be done
ritson douglas > Andrew ChristopherFebruary 24, 2017 at 7:30pm
No dispute there. It's obvious all arrangers have their style all it comes down to is what the judges prefer on a final night. I did not mean to hit your nerve there. I respect all the arrangers for their dedicated work.
"Panorama is about drama, excitement, and musicality. One thing it is not is a music festival." Very true Lennox.
From where I sit at Renegades' pan yard, I can assure you musicality, excitement and drama will be delivered with clarity and precision as only the exponents of the art can and do.
Lennox Archibald. 2017 looks like a year of DRAMA.
Ritson: Ah taking STRAIGHT JAM!!!
What are we calling 'good music' and do we acknowledge that some of this is very subjective?