I think the Ghost is for real, a friend of mine said, "There are many Brians out there that are just waiting to test if The Ghost is true about his changed persona".Almost 75% of people that I spoke to don't think he changed, I am hoping The Ghost will prove them wrong.
It's not an easy thing to do, but my money is on The Ghost.
Allyuh realll jokey boy! This comedy is better than anything on TV!!!! Dem two preachers bong to fight soon, when one feel dat de udder, is "out-preachin" him! Who go snap firse? My money is on de " Bagashite Getta" He bong to mash de Ghose of Jessus corn an' dem.
I really enjoy reading all the back-issues of this forum! All previous battles are logged there!.......allyuh, doh let mih dong, eh! I sell mih TV areddy! Come, leh we go!
The Ghose of Jessus, Bob Marley, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X -- and how can we forget NELSON MANDELA!!!
Ah thought yuh say yuh reading all the back-issues but yuh leaving out critical and regular references to this man's circle of equals..
In life we have a human dynamic that is unique to all individuals; it starts with our personal history, the mysteries and choices we make. What I find about the Ghost through his posting is, he’s brutally honest about himself, the academic side of his comments gives you something to think about, you don’t have to agree, his personal revelations made me think this man is letting it all hang out, the telling story of his life and his father’s influence, his personal struggles and his ability to amend his failings, demonstrates he’s truly a humanist.
His story reminds me of Nelson Mandela and Malcolm X; both their fathers had deep impact on their lives and both suffered at some point in their lives from the ego disease. They both ran into problems with comrades in their organizations, Mandela with the ANC leadership and Malcolm with Elijah Mohammed in the Nation of Islam. Today we see them as model leaders in their own right.
Ghost ability to face his detractors reminds me of his father’s challenges as a leader in the early steel band movement. When confronted by some in the membership, the type of confrontation which at times came close to violence, being a true diplomat, his father George ‘Sonny’ Goddard chooses to continue serving them unselfishly.
There is a saying the true criteria of leadership are for the benefit of the followers.
I can remember reading his post at Pan Trinbago website on the “Steel Pan Blueprint for Success” I didn’t know who he was but the link he gave was most revealing. The Syndicated Tom Joyner Morning Show Interview was very interesting.
Thanks for the kind words, odw. Wishing you and yours all the best for the Holiday Season and upcoming New Year. Ghost.
Ghost yuh winning over a lot of hearts and minds with Version 2.0!!!
BTW - Bede. sorry I forgot to thank you for your "faith in me". Keep your money in your pocket, though. lol. Blessed day to you, sir. Ghost.
The winter solstice, represents the “birth of Christ”. That birth, according to Christian Holy Scriptures, became necessary, because mankind needed a redeemer for their sins. I rejected “organized religion”, because, like the Christ of the Bible (Jesus), I too realized that those who profess to be righteous, are really no more than “hypocrites and parasites”. According to the Bible, he told them to “Get away from me…I never knew you.” When the mob appeared to stone the prostitute, he told them “the one without sin…cast the first stone”. Meanwhile, he looked at a condemned man and told that “sinner”, that they would be together in “Paradise”.
I am not concerned about being judged by man; the same “man” who the Christ came to die for, and the same man who gave him up for execution, and placed a crown of thorns on his anointed head. If Jesus Christ could have received such treatment from the very ones he came to die for, then who am I to expect that “man” would treat me any differently? “God” knows ALL our hearts, and that is satisfaction enough for me.
Every one of us are held accountable for our actions, and the members of When Steel Talks are correct in holding me to mine. I hold NO animosity toward the “75%”, for their suspicion and apprehension are justified. I will have to earn/re-earn their trust, and not expect them to readily believe that I have made such a 180-degree turnaround in attitude. (“Miracles” do not happen. Right. lol.)
From DAY ONE, I have been open and honest about who I am and what my views are. I did not hide behind my WST persona, like many do. I fully disclosed who I am, why I chose the persona (Ghost), and shared sides of myself that I could have kept silent and hidden. I chose to open discussions, which I knew would have made me Public Enemy No. 1. I addressed issues that challenge my own moral upbringing, such as sexual orientation, and swallowed my pride and made a public apology for the entire world to see.
When I look back, I admit that I was arrogant and confrontational. I admitted to this forum, that I had been angry for over 20 years; holding pent up feelings over the manner in which my father was treated. Angry to hear that hours before he passed, he would be harassed and heckled on the streets of Port of Spain, in the presence of my mother. Angry that my mom was not given the grace to mourn the passing of her husband; that other’s decided they had more rights to George “Sonny” Goddard than she did.
Sure, it is easy (and natural) for “man” to stand in judgment of “man” (or “Ghost”). That is not my concern. My concern, is that every single night for the rest of my time on this Earth, that I can speak to “God” with clear conscience, in knowing that I was genuine in ALL of my actions; BOTH “good” and “bad”. For two years, I hated Sidd, and I MEAN really hated Sidd. lol. I can laugh now, because I am free of that emotion. I still disagree with a lot of what he says, but because I am no longer filled with hate, I also see more of the things that he says that I agree with. And I can disagree with him as a friend, rather than as an enemy. Now, we can have debates on ideas, and not each other.
So, in closing, I again reassure you that trust is earned, and that when you display certain behaviors over a certain period of time, you cannot expect people to believe that some great, mysterious epiphany just occurred, and all of a sudden you are “saved” or “born again”. If I really want to reestablish (or establish “trust”), I have to be patient, and stay on course. I know that. It is because I really do want a “friendship”/”relationship” with you all, that I am willing to go through that process. And I understood that, that process, had to begin with swallowing my pride and apologizing for some of the things that I said. When one takes a look at my posts, they will come to realize that MOST of my contributions on WST have been positive, respectful, thoughtful, researched, referenced, and clearly articulated. And, ALL of my contributions to this forum, were sent in genuine love and unapologetic defense of my culture and its people. I do understand, however, that I will never be “liked” by everyone, and I doubt that anyone of us has that luxury. As Bob Marley reminded us, “they crucified Jessus Christ…sold Marcus Garvey for rice…turned their backs on Paul Bogle”. And I add, “mocked and heckled George Goddard until his dying day.” (Understand the pain that must bring to a son, in your positions as judges.)
As always,
In Brotherly Love,
George David Goddard/ Ghost. Same philosophy; different attitude.☺
Being nice or being shitty is a conscious choice people make. My opinion is that George has realized that people don't want to hear the message if they don't like the messenger. We must have faith in one another, if your brother ask for forgiveness for give him, someone once said we must forgive 70 times 7. Ghost has a lot to say and everyone see what happens when he remain positive
What we have now is CASPER the friendly Ghost.
This should not only be a conscious decision for Ghost to grow in life and become wiser in his dealings with his fellow comrades, but it is our work also to consciously accept Ghost as he truly is. It goes both ways in love!
Bertel, thanks for your comment. Maybe I am naive, but I'm still trying to find out what is so difficult to understand about that "conscious decision" I chose to make. smh. Ghost.