Casper Durant in a recent post stated...

If I am at a concert and for what ever reason a note should move, I could knock that note  in and be able to perform. That is not tuning, and this is exactly what most modern tuners can do, nothing more, you have to visit them ever so often for a touch up. A REAL TUNER can take a finished pan, TOSS IT, yes toss it 10 to 15 feet away from him, go pick it up and play it, not one note will move, A pan like this will not need tuning for as long as you have it. Let people like Cliff, Michael and Birch Kelman tell me this cannot be done and I will not open my mouth here again. 

Let me go all the way, Most of the tuners mentioned above will always flavor their notes like tuning a C with a tinge of E or G somewhere in there, All I know is they do it, I do not know how and which notes they mix, It would sound TRUE bot it would have that underlying flavor, These are the secrets that modern tuners do not know.

I'll like to hear from the Pan Tuners or those in the know, what's your take on this?

Mister Pan Maker - Black Stalin

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  • Even a Piano needs an occasional tuning. 

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