So the BAILIFF come to PAN TRINBAGO to seize FURNITURE and EQUIPMENT -- with MOVERS and TRUCKS and ALL KINDA TING!!! Well, as allyuh know, SHEPPARD and FORTEAU and JOSEPH done TIEF out all the money and cyar pay so the BAILIFF on the verge of starting to LOAD UP. They pull out the plug from MICHAEL JOSEPH (ah wonder if is the MARDI GRAS send them) computer and they ready to CLEAN OUT THE OFFICE.
Well Forteau get so DESPERATE -- allyuh know is election time and ting -- that he call up the NCC and DOLLY and tell them he need them to send some MONEY RIGHT NOW TO PAY and SAVE THE DAY because it go look so bad and shameful if this thing get any worse and get printed all over the INTERNET and NEWSPAPERS.
Is now DOLLY in ah real pickle!!! Either run and get ah check and send it down to the PAN TRINBAGO office and save the NEGATIVE PRESS or leave FORTEAU and dem to sink and sit on the FLOOR and then have to READ ALL ABOUT IT with the rest of the world the next day.
So DOLLY decide that she go PAY!!! But now they have to CUT CHECK and messenger it down to the PAN TRINBAGO OFFICE -- talk about drama!!!
In the end the whole process take more than two hours with FORTEAU sweating and waiting and movers standing around and a general sense of stress, tension and bacchanal filling the atmosphere. Finally the check reach and the company get they money and the whole situation get settle and diffuse -- THANK GOD!!!
Now, the moral of the story is kind of DISJOINTED. But if PAN MEN ever STAND UP TO DOCTOR DOLLY and DEMAND DEY MONEY or threaten to BOYCOTT THE NEXT PANORAMA or demand a performance contract with half the money paid upfront before they strike the FIRST NOTE (and when ah say half ah doh mean half of $500, eh -- ah mean half of $1000) -- ah sure that DOLLY GO BUCKLE just like she BUCKLE and help out FORTEAU and JOSEPH and SHEPPARD and save PAN TRINBAGO from FURTHER EMBARRASSMENT.
Even after all the money dem fellahs THIEF!!!
A real pickle indeed. Look who begging the "little girl" now? Like D'Photo over exposed.
The SHAME is on those who still living in EMOTIONAL BLINDNESS...
That BAILOUT comes with a COST because the WOMAN is BOSS.
Lawyers fees don't come CHEAP unless yuh have disposable funds, litigate, litigate, till yuh bankrupt your own Organization. How PATRIOTIC???
VOTE for ME, I'll SET you FREE...Ah still living in meh Mammie house. Ah can't STAND on meh own two FEET.
So much for the MACHO Culture we doing the rite ting, still begging for a HAND-OUT.
INVEST in PAN FUTURE, start in the PAN YARDS. WE are doing a dis-service to OUR KIDS.
This is where the MANAGEMENT training can START, plant the SEEDS early.
Much RESPECT for the Pan Yard OWNERS for their DEDICATION, RESPECT and LOVE for the instrument.
Bob Marley - Redemption Song
Phase ll - Redemption Song