The eyes of pan people through-out the world are on those responsible for pushing aside matters concerning the Governance of the Steelband.

You all have contributed greatly to the stagnation of steelbands thus creating an atmosphere of helpless and hopelessness.

We, the concerned pan people want resolve to this situation. It is an embarrassment to see that in a country as progressive as T&T,  the executive of Pan Trinbago has been able to remain in power years after their mandate was over.

The Steelband is a national treasure being suffocated by the very people responsible for it's growth.

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  • This topic has been around for a few years and  has manage to anger a lot of people who has the success of the steelband at heart.

    The silence and lack of interest comes from people pulling back and letting the powers that be have their way, it is not that they accept defeat but a sense of shame seeing Mafia-like behavior played out before our eyes. 

    It is sad but one cannot help but look at the Government and Legal System in the Mecca as enablers in this fiasco.

    • Grown people with good intentions are treated like children, they have to sit be quiet and wait their turn, life happens whilst  we wait.

      One cannot help but question why there is such resistance to letting pan people choose, this only open peoples eyes and make them start asking questions, like who benefit from Panorama and the Greens?  everyone knows it ain't pan people, so who?

      We have a situation here, the perpetrators are hoping that pan people are tired, worn-out, broken down and defeated but pan people still have their voice, and we would use it to bring to light what is done in darkness.

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